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Niall on the side, thanks for 1k+ reads, you have no idea how fucking happy that made me <3

Oh, and they still live in the UK here, CXC is a Caribbean exam, but for this story they do it in the UK aswell :)

I made a change to the story, check the disclaimers for the info-your choice if you wish to continue :) It's nothing bad I promise, but I know some may be uncomfortable so please check it <3

3K+ words, enjoy :)


The rest of the day went quite normally, getting yelled at by Ms. Calder-for some reason Harry doesn't understand, arriving late for Mr. Hollands class aswell as Penelope's.

He went to lunch, talked to his friends and just had a chill day. He tried his best to stop thinking about who his tutor was, but he was more anxious than usual today so he kept zoning out and thinking about it.

Finally the last bell rung and it was time to meet the mysterious fellow. He had no clue who it could be, but he hoped that this session would go by fast and that he could bully him to leave.

He knocked on Penelope's door, coming in without a response but stopping in his tracks when he saw Louis in the room, staring at him.

"Hello Harry."

"What are you doing here, Mr. Tomlinson? Shouldn't you have left by now or something?" He sighed and Penelope grabbed her stuff and left, waving at them and wishing them both goodluck.

Harry realized what was going on and groaned. Sure he was happy that Louis was his tutor, but Louis was the last person he wanted it to be. He'd have to explain why he didn't come to him before or some bullshit like that, and Harry didn't want to open up to anyone.

"Why the sour face?" Louis teased, crossing his arms with a little smug face. "Well as much as I love having you as my tutor, I won't be able to do any of the work-espically since we're all alone." It was true-well, some of it anyway.

He just didn't want a tutor anymore, but now Louis was his teacher and he knew there wasn't any way he could get out of this.

Oh well, atleast their alone together.

"Oh? And why is that Harry?"

"Because I'll be to busy fantasizing about having my way with you, espically since you decided to look your absolute hottest today."

Louis made a face. "Mhm, just go to my classroom and start." He locked up everything in the office and left with Harry who was at his side.

Louis continued walking his usual pace, but when he noticed Harry stopped at his locker and began exchanging whatever books he needed to take home or whatever, he told Harry to meet him at his classroom and that he would be there soon, explaining that he needed to use the bathroom before they started when Harry asked why.

"Yes sir." Louis rolled his eyes and walked past him, going into the bathroom and doing his business and was washing his hand when Harry opened the door.

"What?" Harry shrugged and waited until Louis was done and followed him to the class, still having his bag on his back. Guess Harry wanted to go in with Louis.

"Right, so what is that you don't understand?"

"Everything." Louis exhaled and shook his head a little, grabbing one of his books and reciting every one of the topics they covered and marking which one Harry hesitated at and all he confirmed he didn't understand.

"Why are you doing this? Tutoring me, I mean." Harry asked while Louis began to write down a example on the board.

"Why not?" Harry smiled. "You care about me, don't you?"

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