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Zayn on the side! X

Thanks for 400+ !!


The first thing Louis did when he arrived home was give his brother a call-which thankfully he answered-and they arranged a plan for tommorow.

It's been such a long time since he's seen him and he was really happy that he finally had an excuse to.

He packed up all his stuff and drove back down to his house, literally jumping in his arms and doing a little spin like in the movies.

"You fucker, you were supposed to call!" Lewis complained and gave Louis a tap on the back of the head. "You've got a phone aswell, you could have called aswell."

"Oh fuck off." Lewis laughed and helped Louis with his bags inside.

"So, why the sudden change of heart to come stay with me?" Lewis asked after Louis got himself settled in and was now having a cup of tea.

"Can't I just want to visit my twin brother?" He got an unimpressed face and pouted a little, but he answered the question by saying that it involved work.

Louis raised an eyebrow at him and took a sip of his own tea. "You're a highschool teacher, right?" Louis nodded and sighed.

"Do you remember Harry Styles?" Okay so maybe Louis has mentioned Harry to his family a few times while he was working as an intern at Harry's old school.

Nobody knew what he looked like though, they just know his name.

"Yeah, why?"

"Well he's one of my students now, and I'm tutoring him in Maths-"

Lewis choked on his tea, stopping Louis. "Wait what!?"

"He's my student-are you okay?" He nodded and coughed a little and straighened himself.

"It's just...I thought you hated him."

"I wouldn't say hate, more like we just don't get along."

"Oh, okay." Lewis was still confused though, what he remembered was completely different, he remembered Louis complaing non-stop about Harry and went on as far as saying that he was probably the most annoying kid he's ever come across.

"So why does that involve you staying here? Not that I mind, though."

"Well the tutoring session is going to take place after school and it's a really good distance away from home."

"Why did you take the job then?" Louis shrugged. "The pay is really good, 10K a month, who wouldn't take up on that offer."

"What the fuck!? What kind of public school pays that much?"

"It's private, not public."

"Makes more sense-but 10K? How many teachers does it have?"

"Just five, including the principal."

"Oh my gosh."

"Yep, plus the school makes more than double that so loosing 40K to teachers isn't that bad."

"Maybe I should become a teacher then." Louis laughed. "So why not just bring Harry at your house for it then? It's a private school so it won't be such a big deal."

"It's still somewhat inappropriate Lewis, plus, only god knows what Harry will do to me if we're alone in my house." And Louis was actually worried because the things Harry would try to do to him behind closed doors just freaked him out.

Lewis made a face.

"What does that mean?"

"Nothing, don't worry about it." He was still confused but he let it go, instead changing the topic and asking Louis about his life, trying to have a conversation but realized how boring Louis was.

Heck, even Louis found himself boring.

He didn't have any friends, he never got out and he was always doing paperwork or at school.

Louis didn't really have a life, sad thing was that Louis didn't seem fazed by it.

"Do you have work tommorow?"

"Well yeah, tommorow is Tuesday."

"Well Friday night, we're going to a club and get you laid. You're to stuck up and up tight, we'll have a nice drink and get some ladies."

Or men in Lewis' case, but Louis didn't need to know that.

"Fine, but only because I want to have a drink."

"No sex?" He shook his head. "No, sex is kinda boring to me."

"Wait really? How come?" He shrugged. "Just don't enjoy having sex anymore, it gets really exhausting."

"Oh wow, I never heard anyone say that before." Louis shrugged and finished his tea, but Lewis continued. "Like, are you bored of the person or just in general."

Louis thought about it.

He didn't mind masturbation, but having physical sex just made him cringe. He didn't really get any pleasure from any of the girl's he been with.

"I don't even know, I have no problem helping myself, but none of the girls I've been gave me little to no pleasure."

"Have you tried getting at it with a guy?" Louis cringed. "You do know I'm straight? Plus I'm not 100 on the whole gay thing."

"It was just a suggestion." Lewis quickly defended himself, a bit insulted that Louis was homophobic but he tried his best to ignore it.

"What about kinks? Do you have any?"

"Why so curious about my sex life?"

"Just want to help, after all I find it hard to believe you find sex not enjoyable. You were a horny dog throught your teenage years." Louis laughed because it was true.

"You have a point."

"I know."

"But as for kinks, I don't think so. Like I said, sex doesn't intrest me that much." They both shrugged and started talking about Lewis' life, a bit of catching up never hurt.


"Harry, honey?" Anne knocked on Harry's door and entered when she got a shout of approval. "Yeah?"

"Penelope found a tutor, she said that it's a suprise."

"Oh joy." Harry said sarcastically. He didn't want a tutor anymore, now thinking about it, it was pure bullshit.

"What's wrong?" Anne closed his door and followed him onto the bed.


"Harry I'm your mother, what's wrong."

"Nothing really, just my adhd acting like a bitch more than usual."

"How come?" Harry shrugged even though he knew exactly whats wrong. Anne and Robin have been arguing none stop and it's been affect Harry in such bad ways.

For one he got a panic attack from at the yelling and nosies, then falling depressed becausehe hated coming home because that home didn't feel like one anymore.

Now it just felt like a house where he just lives in.

"Well er...have you been taking your meds?"

"Yeah I have." He rolled his eyes and sighed when he heard the door shut. Robin was home from work.

"Dad's home." Anne nodded and pressed a kiss to Harry's forehead and left, Harry had mixed emotions about it.

They started to argue an hour later-just as Harry was about to start his english homework.

This was going to be a long night.

Espically since Harry could tell that this was one of those arguements where they won't stop until late at night.

And he still had math homework to do, just perfect.


Sorry for the late upload!

Hope you enjoyed!

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