What Did She Want?

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My first experience started 10 years ago. We moved into a house (my husband and daughter). I will tell you what the house looked like so you get a picture in your head.

It was a terraced house and you go in the front door and you're in the front room (front door is on the right of the room). Straight ahead is the door to the stairs and then a door into the kitchen. At the top of the stairs, the first door is to the left that was my room, straight across is the bathroom and to the right of that was my daughter's room.

The first thing that happened was I kept getting woken up. At first I thought it was my husband waking me up (thought to myself must have been snoring) and when I asked him in the mornings, he said he hadn't and that he's never heard me snore. I just put it down to he must have moved and woke me up that way, and didn't think any more about it and I kind of got used to it.

The next thing to happen was a smell when I woke up I couldn't put my finger on what it was, but I would smell it when I got woken up. The closest thing I can get to describing it is it was like the sage and onion stuffing you put in your turkey but sweeter. Anyway, this happened for a while on and off, not every night but most nights. I woke my husband up once when the smell was strong and he said he didn't smell anything he just said, "It's your hyper sensitive nose."

It was getting to the point were I wasn't sleeping enough because I kept getting woken up, so my husband said he would sleep downstairs thinking it was him that was waking me up in his sleep, and for a week or so it worked and I was sleeping ok again. By this time my husband was enjoying sleeping on the sofa and he loved falling asleep watching the TV so he stayed down there and I had the bed to myself.

Things started to happen not long after that, things like my pillows were being moved. Sometimes they were on the floor or turned round and no one had moved them and my alarm clock would go off at stupid times even though it was set for 7.30am. At this point I was getting really freaked out so I got a new clock and the same thing kept happening so I got rid of it and got my husband to wake me up before he left for work.

My husband got up for work at 6.30am and would wake me up at 7.00am just before he left for work. One morning he didn't have to wake me up so he left me in bed, but I woke up at 7.30am needing to pee. As I was coming out of my room to go to the bathroom, I saw him go from the kitchen into the front room so I said down to him, "You're going to be late for work, Love." And he didn't reply so I went downstairs and he wasn't there. It unsettled me a little but just thought he'd gone before he heard me. When he got home that evening I asked him was he late leaving this morning and he said, "No, why?" so I told him and he said, "You might of been still half asleep. Don't worry about it." So I didn't think anymore about it.

This next bit I'm not sure about but it freaked me out so I'll put it in, in case it makes sense to someone. I started to see a girl around the age of 8/9 with nearly black long curly hair and she was wearing an old fashioned white pinafore dress over a grey dress. She never said anything never moved she just stood there in my bath looking at me, and it was the most intense feeling of fear I have ever felt. But it was a dream and I had this nearly every night and sometimes when it woke me up I was being held down with my bed covers and I couldn't move and that smell was always there when I was woken up by the dream. The dream was bad but the covers being held over me was really scary and I would cry out for my husband and he'd come running and tell me it was just a dream and I must of got myself tangled up tight in my covers (didn't convince me though). I know the difference in getting tangled up and having someone/thing holding down my covers so I couldn't move.

Anyway these things happened for the whole 5 years we lived there and when we moved it stopped.

Sorry it's a long story and I hope someone can shed some light on it for me. Was it the girl I kept dreaming about that was doing these things to me? It's baffled me for 5 years (that's how long I've been out of that house).

~ Experiences ~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon