A Collection Of Experiences

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I can't speak of the exact nature of why these experiences are happening to me, and honestly i'm leaving some things out, as it's very complicated and against my favor, but it was recommended I do this; i'm taking the experiences as they come. They're out of sequential order, but i'm writing this submission as a way to find out how to take these experiences as a whole going forward. I've never really believed in psi

ability until a few months ago when this started happening to me, so i'm not sure as

to what direction I should go in.

I should start by classifying the experiences i've had with my eyes closed, and they'll branch out into other experiences; these phenomena don't all happen at once, it

depends on whatever seems most relevant. I've started buying books on auras,

chakras, spirits, remote viewing, etc.:

There are at times a hemispherical layer of white/purple above my head, they take

the shape of large round balls. Above center there's a blue ball, which I can change

to purple with a thought, which then seems to clear my mind; that orb seems to travel around my vision at times. At times there appears a series of white waves, and

once in awhile, centered at the four corners of my closed vision, four white pointed

ovals take shape. Sometimes, I get lengthened flashes of colors; after I went to a

psychic and took some botanical waters (I'll get into it later), it was pure purple for a time. For what it's worth, my mother is able to see the colors of auras with closed

eyes when thinking of a person, and awhile back I asked her to sense mine, and it

was a sky blue, though this was before some this started happening.

At one point I was sort of napping when an image of the all-seeing eye encased in a

triangle appeared to me in red. I saw it right-side up and reversed, then I sort went

through it. I started hearing voices from many sources, and eventually I saw a sort of

aural outline of my father sleeping in his bed. I kind of called out to him on reaction a

few times, then I got up and confirmed not only that he was sleeping, but that he

had just woken up with a headache while dreaming about me. I've confirmed that

part of the experience a few other instances with my father when giving it thought.

I've seen the triangle again, and i've had the same experience with the voices, this

time between people I actually knew, confirming that validity that the conversations

happened, and also a sort of call of a bird.

I also saw a silver apparition of the triforce symbol (From Zelda, though I suppose it

has occult connotations considering the triangles) a few times in one instance,

though I don't know what the exact effect of it was.

I tried doing some of these 'psychic tests' awhile back, and I haven't done well at any

of them, but when I took the coin flipping test, after it started I closed my eyes and

and '0' surrounded by a vine appeared, with what could only be described as 'ghost face' telling me to 'go, go, go.'.

~ Experiences ~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon