Someone Or Something Is Calling Me & Did You Call Me Mom?

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For my entire life, I have been hearing voices. I know that a lot of people out there have also had experiences that can only be described that way.

To be specific, I've heard, and still hear, voices very often, and each time they only call

my name. This has happened in almost every situation in every-day life that I can think

of. In terms of how many people are around (if this makes a difference), I hear the

voice in places from a large crowd to when I'm with a small group of people, with

seemingly no one being the one calling me, to when I'm by myself. When I'm alone,

though, this experience seems to be the most frequent.

I hear the voice anywhere from a long distance away to five feet from me. The voice is

different every time I hear it, sometimes being a voice I know, but mostly it's unknown

to me.

I'm the only one who hears this voice, with the exception of one occasion in a church

when my sister heard it as well. But because this is only once of many times, I'm not sure if a living person actually did call out to me or not.

That details the description of my experiences with this phenomenon. I'm new to this

site, so I don't know what other information would be necessary to determine the

cause. In light of this, I'll provide some things that may have a vague correlation with this. If you find something that doesn't help with this experience but shows signs of

other things of an "interesting" nature, please say so.

When I was in fifth grade, I working on an assignment in the classroom. There was a

storm outside, which, at the time, I didn't pay much attention to. However, later on

there was a flash of light from the light fixture above me. I had just enough time to glance up before a bolt of electricity shot down, splitting into two bolts and searing the

kid next to me across the elbow, but striking me on the back of my neck. It raised a

large welt that would gradually fade and then intensify, moving from one to the other over a period of about one to two minutes. My ability to think straight was slightly

impaired, and I ended up going home. The welt eventually went away, but I've had red

marks in random patterns that change from day to day ever since.

About three years later, I had a dream that I was reading late one night by light of my little brother's electronic glow stick. I reached out to adjust the glow stick, but as soon as I touched it, it exploded in a shower of sparks. I threw my hands up to protect myself, jerking them up so fast that one hand flew to the back of my neck. It was at

this moment that I woke up, only to find the back of my neck throbbing, exactly on the

spot that the lightning bolt struck. These have been my only experiences so far since the incident.

My irises have four colors in them. The most prominent color is green, but on close inspection, the green goes only halfway around each iris. The other half is a paler color,

more closely resembling blue. The colors are divided diagonally, from top right to

bottom left. In the top right part of my eye, where the green and blue meet, there's a

sliver of brown. But the most interesting part is the orange ring around each pupil.

I've always felt that I'm different, like there's something in my future that is anything

but normal, like I'm destined for something I can only describe as strange and different

from regular life.

Now call me odd, eccentric, or whatever you want, but I'm merely stating the facts. If you know anything as to the cause of my hearing voices or anything else concerning these experiences please comment.

Did You Call Me Mom?

efore I start let me explain the layout of my parent's house- it's a split-level with a living room upstairs and a den downstairs, and down stairs there is a hallway connected to the den that i

s fairly short but has my old room at the end and a guest bedroom on the left side.

About a year and a half ago, when I still lived with my parents (I'm 17), I was downstairs painting my room one day, by myself, while my mom was cooking lunch,

and all was fine; I was just concentrating on painting, everything was quiet and calm,

but then I heard someone call my name from what sounded like the den. I paused my

painting to go upstairs (I thought my mom was who'd called me), and asked my mom

what she wanted. She replied, "I didn't call you." Okay, I'm thinking, must have been

my imagination. So I go back downstairs and continue my painting. About 15 minutes

into it though, I hear my name called again, this time it sounded like it was right

outside my door. A little frustrated, I go upstairs to ask my mom why she called me.

Again, she told me she didn't. I go back downstairs a little freaked out.

My step dad is a funeral director and has his own small directing business on the side of

working for another big funeral company, and often at times he's brought bodies (in

bags on gurneys), to our house for the night for holding (in our garage) until they could

be brought to the crematory next day, and more often he brings back cremated

remains that are in holding until either the funeral/memorial, or until they can be

shipped to the families; (these are all pretty standard practices, nothing unusual), so

there has never been any shortness of paranormal activity in that house, but never

once has something addressed one of us personally by name.

I never heard the voice, which at the time sounded like a female's, hence why I thought

it was my mom's voice. There was no one in the house but us and my cat.

~ Experiences ~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon