The Ghost In The School Bathroom and High School Experience

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I live up in Northern Ca. Its very country up here and this town is very famous for the gold rush.

Today was my first day of summer school- blech. I was not familiar with the place because it was more of a school for "bad kids". I have never attended summer school until now and I was sort of scared because there were a lot of bad kids that got in fights and smoked pot and have been to juvy.

I was in the class and I felt very misplaced because I am known as a "good goody". I asked the teacher to go to the bathroom. I was walking down the hall feeling fine but all the sudden I felt very uneasy and nervous. I thought nothing of it so as I reached the bathroom I took the stall between the two other ones. No one was in there, and all the stalls were empty. As I closed the stall door, I heard the bathroom door open and someone walking in. I saw the shadow go past my stall as they passed, but then they didn't go in any of the stalls or leave the bathroom or anything- they just stopped at the back of the bathroom. I opened the door and walked out. No one was there. I thought I was just too tired and my mind was playing tricks on me. I went to the sink to wash my hands. Then I heard the footsteps again. They were louder this time though and they were coming towards me. I turned around and right as I did they it stopped and no one was there. By this point I was starting to freak out. I turned back around to wash my hands as fast as I could and the foot steps started again.

This time I didn't even turn. I just ran out the door.

As I was walking down the hall they were still behind me and as I started to quicken my pace up so did they. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Right as I put my hand on the class room door, it stopped. So did I.

I just stood there for a few seconds just re-capping what happened. Right as I walked in the door I rushed back to my seat and sat down next to my friend. She noticed I was pale and speechless.

The funny thing is, she said,

"What happened, it looks like you just saw a ghost." I looked at her and said "You have no idea." she got a confused look on her face and I told her what happened. She just nodded and said. "You know, I'm not surprised. Like 6 years back, two girls got in a fight in that bathroom and one pulled a knife. The girl died later that day in the Hospital."

She's not the type to lie and I totally believed her because she knows not to mess around with me with all the paranormal stuff. She knows I freak out.

I'm still in shock about what happened today.

It was an interesting experience.


High School Experience

I left this out of Story 2 on purpose

Backtrack to 2003. I am a sophomore in high school. For P. E., instead of having us do "physical education", Coach Flowers (quite the intimidating football coach name) had us go to the track and just hang out. It was basically a free period where we didn't have to do anything.

One day, my friends Mark, Pelka, and I were walking past the small buildings the bathrooms were at, and we heard multiple screams coming from the girls' bathroom. We ran in and there, we found our friends Nicky, Amanda, and Charlotte standing in the middle of the room, standing around a (drum roll please)...Ouija Board.

We asked them what happened, and they said they used the board to find

out that there was a spirit at the track who had died during the '50s. We didn't believe them, so we got down on the floor and started using it. We all piled our hands one it as Amanda asked questions.

I don't remember everything we found out, but basically, some girl had died at the track in the '50s and she was restless. After a few minutes of questions and answers, all six of us ran out of there screaming. After a couple minutes, we all started laughing and then started joking about it. We thought it was fun.

But within a couple days, I started seeing things. Like, weird things. I can't fully explain what I saw.

They were like hallucinations. I'd see creatures following people. It'd see giant pits in the middle of what I knew to be flat ground. Not just at home, but at school. Mostly at school. I did witness some at home, but not much. I thought it was just me, so I never told anyone. It lasted six months.

By 2006, my senior year, my old group of friends disbanded and were hanging out with other people. But since we were graduating, we met up at our old hangout on the side of the school by the generator. We laughed about old times and some of the stupid things we did and swapped inside jokes. It was like a reunion of sorts, and it was very nice, and the perfect way to spend the day before graduation.

Then Amanda said, "Do you guys remember when we messed with that Ouija Board?"

We all stopped laughing. I could tell by the way she said it that she was just throwing it out there. When we got silent, I could tell she knew she hit the mark.

Without any of us having to say yes, she started telling

us a story about how after we used the board, she started seeing things, like hallucinations.

It lasted six months. She was afraid to tell anyone, because "only crazy people see things, right?" then she started crying, as Nicky told her similar story. One by one, the six of us revealed that, after we messed with the board, we all experienced hallucinations for the next six months.



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