School Camp | Camp Wheel gate | Forever At Camp

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I was quite young, it's 2008. The Primary School I attended is going on the year 5/6 camp in Myuna Bay. There are cabins there so thank god we weren't in tents. It's the dead of the night. I had a dream that our school principal, Mr. Coote (I still to this day cannot stand him), was checking in on all the cabins making sure we were all asleep and if we weren't he would take us away forever.

On the exact minute he stepped into our cabin in my dream, I woke up straight away. I looked up and there was a dark figure literally right above my head. His eyes were glowing bright purple (as strange as it seems) and he was making groaning noises. I freaked out and shut my eyes straight away. The next morning I ask my cabin-mate if anyone came in our cabin last night and she simply replied no.

I'm in year nine so it has been 3-4 years (I can't be bothered to think). I was just wondering if anyone would be able to give me suggestions on what it could've been. I really want to know because I can't go on school camps; I haven't gone on any since. Just please let me know if you have an idea.

 Is it like was it just my imagination, or was it a spirit, a ghost. Anything! I'll write a further list of descriptions.

The figure of a 15-ish year old boy.

Glowing purple-ish eyes

No mouth just eyes.

Making a groaning noise.

Kind of tall.

Longish hair (of what I could tell from his outline)

As I said before and probably the billionth time now I would really like to know. Please please please please please! Also has anyone else experienced something like that!

Camp Wheelgate

hen I was a pre-teen, I was a girl scout. As all Girl Scout troops do, we attended a weekend outing at a place called "Camp Wheelgate," in WV.

 Camp Wheelgate was not technically a camp, as it did not have tents, or cabins. It consisted of three "Victorian Style" farmhouses. Our group was staying in the largest of the three. For the first night, our group stayed in a downstairs room because our leaders had not been able to get a fire

started in the upstairs fireplace. On our second day there, we took a walk to a small church in the area. It was a very old church, with a graveyard.

As teens and pre-teens often do, some of the group was less than respectful of the church and graveyard. I recall that some of us rang the bell in the old

church, and some of the group "played" on the graves, and at the altar area of the church.

That night, the leaders were able to get a fire started in the upstairs fireplace. We moved our belongings upstairs, and settled in to play

games and have a fun night.

A couple of the scouts said that they had experienced a "white mist" on the stairway and felt as though they were having a lot of difficulty walking up the stairs.

Others, myself included, were certain that they had seen a face, looking out of an upstairs window, when they had been outside. Fairly early in the evening, I became suddenly overcome with a

headache and nausea, which had never happed before.

 I decided to lie down to see if it would subside. Shortly afterward, we were all stunned by the loudest "BANG" sound we had ever heard. The scout leaders looked all over the house, trying to locate the source of the sound.

The only thing that was found during the leaders' search of the house was that ten heavy, iron cots, which had been in another room, were missing! The cots had been in the room as we settled in for the night and were so heavy

hat it would take 2-3 adults to move each one. There were two doors to the room. One exited into the hallway and the other had been added to

 an external wall so that a fire escape could be built. The cots were nowhere to be found. Understandably, our troop leaders decided to remove us from the premises for the remainder of the night.

As far as my memory serves me, this was my first experience with the paranormal. It was not my last.

Forever At Camp

My brother and I were not on the best of terms when our father passed away in 1995. At the funeral home, we never spoke a word to each other.

 However, before the casket was closed for the last time, I took my brother by the arm and led him to into the room where our father's body rested. I wanted Dad to "see" us together. At least I hoped that he could.

In about 1980, my brother bought a hunting camp in northern Pennsylvania. It was very rustic and tucked neatly away in the woods, far

 from any roads. Our Dad loved it there. It was a place where we could go to hunt, fish or simply hang out. It was probably 1990 when my brother and I had our falling out, so I didn't get to enjoy Dad's last visits to his beloved "Red Wood" camp. That always bothered me deeply.

As the years passed by, we worked out our differences, and began to get closer again. Just a few weeks ago, in October, my brother and I decided to go up to what was left of "Red Wood" and spend the night in my pop-up camper.

Once we were there, I got everything set up before

 I got a nice fire going and we sat a few feet apart and began to talk about our experiences there. My brother told me that Dad's last words to him were "don't sell the camp". Only a moment later, I saw a bluish white sphere appear about 40 - 50 feet from us and directly in front. It was, maybe, 20 - 25 feet in the air. I looked directly at it wondering what it was and where it had appeared from. Before I could say a word, the sphere moved towards us at about a running pace, and passed directly between my brother and myself at about a height of 8 - 10 feet. I would guess that the entire incident lasted less than 5 or 6 seconds.

I was a bit stunned and didn't say anything right away.

 I finally turned to my brother and asked "did you see that". Looking a bit stunned himself, he replied "yes, I did".

So I asked, "what did you see"? "That blue light" he said.

We talked about what we'd seen and came to the conclusion that it was our Dad... Showing his approval that we had put our differences behind us and has returned to the camp the HE loved so much. If there was one single place where Dad would want to spend the after life, it would be Camp Red Wood, no doubt.

That night will forever be special to me. Dad's up there,

and who knows, maybe he'll pay us another visit. I certainly hope he does.



~ Experiences ~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon