White Lady

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One day when I was 10, my friend and I decided to go out for a walk in a near by forest. In the forest, there is a old abandoned rodeo, we were playing there when we saw a young lady, probably in her early 30's, staring at us.

She was in a long white dress but the thing that scared us was that she was transparent. We decided after that that we were going to hide in the forest since we weren't due back home for another hour. While we were hiding, we saw her again and she called out to us in a hoars voice. She told us to run, run fast.

So we did as we were told. And then, as we reached the edge of the forest and we looked back and she was looking around scared, then she looked at us and screamed and twisted her face. Then she started to glitch and she vanished. I never went back there ever again.



Unknown Girl

My name is Krystal and the story I am about to tell you is authentic. Last summer I was lying down on my bed trying to sleep. In the past, I have had trouble sleeping and was moving around a lot. I share a room with my little sister and I sleep on the top bunk.

While I was trying to sleep, I happened to turn and face the wall. It felt like someone was looking at me. I heard something at the foot of my bed so I looked over the edge, at the floor, and saw nothing, so I lied back down. I still felt someone looking at me and thought that it was my little sister, so I looked to my other side and saw a little girl about 4 feet tall, with short brown/blond hair.

Still thinking it was my sister, I told her to go to bed and turned around.

Just then the "thing" touched my shoulder and I swung to move the hand. As I swung, the hand released and I yelled at my sister to leave me alone. Then I looked back and the little girl was looking at me again. But this time she was frowning. I was tired so I thought that my sister was joking around. I yelled for my sister to go to bed, then layed back down.

Then I heard a bang on the bed. When I turned around the girl was gone. I yelled for my sister to get up, but she opened the bedroom door from the kitchen and asked what I want... It turns out that my sister was in the living room with my mom the whole time. To creep me out even more, I realized the next day that the girl in my room had brown hair, while my sister has bleached blond hair.

I would really like you comments on this and tell me what you think. This was so scary I would never wish anyone to see that little "thing" again.

[2006-12-18: The following is an update to the story]

Last thursday I was taking a nap (which I never do) as my friend was taking a shower. Then out of the corner of my eye I thought I saw a little girl. She was sitting on my shelf. I turned on my light to see and no one was there, so I decided to ignore it.

Two days ago, I was cleaning my room with my clock radio on, then static came on and people were talking. It wasn't the radio because I had my other radio on too and they were singing a song...

so I turned my other radio off, listened and it was a little girl and a older woman. I was scared. Then my lava lamp top flew off my cupboard and fell to the ground. I screamed, then I got this horrible feeling and I had to leave my room. When I came back, the lava lamp lid was put back and the room was steamy hot. I was scared.

Another time when I was baby sitting my sister, I was vacuuming and all of a sudden someone screamed downstairs.

But my sister was in the living room. Very scary.


Another ~~

Le 419

Back in the 1980's my lover and I moved from parkdale in Toronto to 419 sherboune. It was an apartment on the 3rd floor, the door to our apartment was on the 2nd floor. We moved in with 3 cats and a dog. It was a large one bedroom with the bedroom at the top of the stairs across from the kitchen, it had a long hall way with the bathroom 3/4 of the way down the hall and the living room at the end. The building was old and the living room had a kitchen sink in a small room type area behind a wooden book shelf. I was told that they use to rent each room out, a rooming house kind of thing.

The first time I thought that something strange was when we came back from London and found a wooden cross that was on the wall on the floor and one of our cats in the bathroom on the windows seemed frightened, our two siamese were under our bed. It was strange as they always came out to greet us, especially after we were away over night.

The door to our apt was on the second floor, there was about a 6 inches between the door when it was closed and the first step. The steps had a carpet but the cats discovered the carpet under the first step could be pushed back and they could get into the walls. I put a small window screen between the step and the door to keep the cats out of the walls. My lover worked in a beauty supply shop and closed the store at 6:00pm every night. On several occasion I would hear what sounded like our apartment door being opened and someone coming up the stairs, but only to the third step, the dog would hear it too, and would go to look with me but no one was there.

One evening I heard the door open and someone come up 3 steps then stop, when I went to look there was no one there but the screen from the bottom step was laying on the 3rd step. I mentioned this to my lover who just laughed it off and said it was my imagination. One evening a friend of his came to visit at around 4:30pm and we had a coffee and talked waiting for my lover to come home. My dog was in the living room laying facing the hall. Our friend and I heard the door open and someone come up 3 steps. I looked at the clock and it was just 6:00pm so I knew it wasn't my lover. I looked at my dog who was looking down the hall and had just started to wag her tail when she suddenly jump to her feet and started to bark and growl, every hair on her back was standing up. Our friend grabbed my big ashtray for a weapon as we thought someone had just broken into the apartment. We rushed to look down the hallway but my dog kept blocking me and would not let me enter the hall, all the time she had her eyes fixed and appeared to be looking at something about 6 feet from the floor, all the while growling and barking. My friend and I could not see anything.

We searched the apartment and found the cats on the bed with their tail all fluffed up and eyes as big as saucers. After searching the apartment with me, our friend left, asking me to have my lover phone him as soon as he came home. I took my dog and sat outside till my lover came home and asked him to call our friend right away. Our friend told him what happened and we wrote a notice to our landlord saying we were moving out.

As soon as we got the keys to our new apartment I took our cats over, usually when cats are taken to a strange place they hide, but this time our cats ran around and played. I went back once after moving our stuff out to check the mail, I took the dog with me but when I reach the steps to the building she refused to go up.

~ Experiences ~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon