Something Is Bothering Me and Orb Of Metatron

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I would like to ask about recent experiences I've had.

1) My house is incredibly old, and I feel a strange feeling when in certain parts. I feel this feeling in other places and some of the places I've felt it I've researched and they are reportedly haunted. This strange feeling makes me feel different emotions sometimes, sometimes it's just there and I'm not too affected by it, but at other times it's disturbing or makes me scared. I often get changed in a different room as I feel something is watching me.

2) I see a bright light speed across my room often. Sometimes immediately after this something strange has happened and a angry aura is present in the room.

3) On one occasion, I was sitting in my bedroom reading and something felt like it hit me and I burst out hysterically crying, and I'm not sure why as there was nothing that caused this personally.

4) The worst experience I have had is when I was sitting in my bedroom (the master bedroom of the house) and I seen the light, this one time I went to get up to investigate more about it, as I went to sit up something pushed me back down and I was confused and tried to get back up again but couldn't as I was being forced down. I then tried to scream but found something was covering my mouth and the only sound was a muffled sound that wasn't too audible. This went on for about 30 seconds and then it all stopped and I fell backwards exhausted. I was dazed but I could feel that there was no aura in my room any more, it was completely empty. It remained that way for 2 days and then the aura came back again.

5) When I was a child I often said strange things to my parents about things but I can't remember too well. I remember being scared in certain places and so forth but nothing specific to recall.

6) There is constant tapping noises in my bedroom, on occasions I have asked my mother to hear and they have stopped completely. Then she's left the room and they've continued like something is mocking me.

7) Sometimes I feel like something touched me briefly, but when I turn there is nothing there. The worst case is when I woke up and felt like something had kissed me, and there was no one there and no explanations I could think of to answer this, it also seemed to wake me up, as it was in the night time and I never usually wake up in the night without reason.

Does anyone know anything about this, or can offer me any advice?

September 2008. One evening I was rather bored so I decided to head to bed a bit early, and went to my bedroom.

I wasn't sleepy just yet and walked over to my Stereo System turning on the radio; to listen to a little music before bed. I had been reading the book of Enoch and other legendary text about the Angel Metatron for a while and still wondered if Metatron actually existed. The Bible doesn't speak of him as much as Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. Anyhow the subject of Angels has always delighted my senses. I just adore hearing about them and if I can dream of them or have an encounter all the better.

~ Experiences ~Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon