Chapter 2

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Naomi (Intro)
Celess been my girl from day one her family took me in when my daddy died and my momma kicked me out of  the house . Celess brothers trained both of us the ropes in the street so we won't get played . After losing Keisha and Ashanti , Celess and I promise never to go back to that life .

Finally came home from a long day of the grand opening of Celess second store still can't believe that she made  me the co owner .

Naomi: " hey boo just came home 8:16pm
Naomi " Celess are you home yet , why aren't you responding to my text and calls " 9:16pm

I started getting worried about Celess she never took so long to reply back . I called her phone 6 times and she wasn't answering my calls . So I decided to drove to the store to see if she was still there but the door was all lock and when I walk in no one was there but blood was on the floor . Started calling her phone again but no answer doing my best to keep  my insanity cause I can't afford nothing bad to happen to her .
Right when I was about to call her brother Kevin I got a text from Celess

Celess : hey boo I'm home I was able to closed the store you don't have to worry about anything .'
I look at the message in shock normally when  she say don't worry that when I know I have to worry plus I saw blood on the store floor . I decided to speed to Celess house and use my spare key but what I saw left me in total shock .

I know Naomi would be worried as hell if  I didn't answer her messages but I was trying to clean myself . Tariq was some one who I thought I left in the past but he came back . He was my first love my first heartbreak that nigga was my first everything. Everytime he came around I got weak I let him take advantage of me . Tariq would come home drunk and beat me , if someone made him angry and he couldn't find that person he would put the anger on me . Everytime he did that I would always forgive him . I would always hide the bruise with makeup because I knew if my brothers found out they would kill Tariq . Trust me they almost did one day my older brother Kevin walked in seeing Tariq beating me up and he shot Tariq . I haven't heard from Tariq until now .

I was still in the bathroom trying to clean up the bruises that Tariq gave me earlier in the store when I heard Naomi walk in .

" Celess who did this to you " Naomi asked in total shock
" Tai Tai Tariq " Celess said crying
" Tariq? How could you let him do this to you I'm calling Kevin right now "
" Naomi no please I don't want no more drama please I don't want Kevin to kill him "
" Celess what you mean no girl do you see your face you got bruises all over your fucking face "
" Naomi please don't called none of my brothers could we pretend that this never happened " Celess said while crying .
" Fine then let me help clean you up "

Naomi stayed the whole night to keep me company I swear I love this girl with all my heart . As much as Tariq hurt me I still couldn't see that nigga dead I had to much love for him . Shit the first time Kevin shot Tariq I was the one that had to push Kevin so he wouldn't finish Tariq off .

Kevin (intro )
I'm the oldest out of all my siblings I'm 27 , Michael 26, Derek 24  and Celess 22 . Before my paps died his last words to me was to watch over my siblings whiles he's gone and teach them everything he taught me and I did just that . He told me to protect my own right or wrong and I still do . Celess owned her store and my brothers and I owned three different clubs in the states . See when everything is going right you always have to be prepared for when stuff goes left .

I had finally came home from Celess grand opening when I heard my four year old daughter Daisha crying . I hurried rush inside and see my wife Kandice on the floor unconscious .
"Kandice "
"Ke- Kevin "
" yes baby it's me what happen to you "
" I don't know I tried to get Daisha a snack in the kitchen and I just fainted "
" how you feeling now "
" a little dizzy "
" we going to the hospital "
I hurried got Daisha a night bag and while I was doing that Kandice fainted on the floor again . I had to hurry lift her and called Celess to let her know that I was dropping Daisha . I haven't drove this fast since April 6 2017 and we in 2020 now .
" Daddy"
"Daddy slow down you're scaring me "
"Daddy what's wrong with with mommy why isn't she talking "
" mommy going to be fine princess daddy just going to drop you by auntie Celess okay "
" okay ".

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