Chapter 8

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They say you could never run away from your past . The past is something we try to forget but still manage to come back when we least expect it to .

Today I thought I was going to lose mg big brother . I just wondered what if  Derek never went outside ,Kevin would have bleed out. It was good think I had a few experience in the medical field . They say when everything  is going right don't get  comfortable because something always bound to go left .
   It didn't take to long for the shooting to reach the news . Kevin laid on my couch debating if he should tell Kandice about the shooting . I told him yes but he feels like she doesn't need any stress during the pregnancy.  She had already called him 6 times . But it's also wrong if hid something like this from his wife ,cause she still need to be aware about what was happening. I could feel that's shit was going to get crazy , a war was coming and it was coming fast .

Unknown POV
Y'all both had one fucking job . JUST ONE JOB! Can any of you aim a gun properly? Juan got himself killed and this bitch can't aim for shit . It's like I gotta do this myself cause you guys are useful .
" I understand how upset you are but why are you so obsessed with Celess girl and her family . "
" cause they hurt  me  first and now it's my time for revenge.

I stayed at Celess house for while until the police move from the scene and I built the strength to move . Kandice called my phone 6 times to ask me if I was fine and I told her yes . Since I basically was jogging in the morning I didn't really drive my car so I made Celess drop me home .
    Kandice was waiting for me to get home cause soon as Celess car pull up she already came running out the door .
" Baby you okay "
" Yes Kandice I'm fine "
" come come inside "
Kandice kept checking my wound and then that's when it started .
" Kevin I thought you said you left that life behind "
" I did "
" Kevin we have a daughter you have a business and I have a next child with you on the way . You think getting back in this street life is needed?
" Kandice I'm not back in no street life ! If someone shot at me you just want me to stand their and  let them do it ? "
" No I don't Kevin I just need you to be safe "
" Baby I'll be fine but someone coming for our  entire family and we have to be prepared because shits going to get crazy real fast ".

Kandice just look at him with tears in her eyes and I knew why she was crying . She hated seeing me in the street life because of what happened in the past .
I just have to remind her that it's going to be okay and I'm never leaving her side .

"I  made something for you to eat . I figured you must have been hungry since you spent all day with your sister Celess helping redecorate her house . "

" thanks "
" you okay it seems like something bothering you ?"
" yeah I'm fine Natasha "
I couldn't tell Natasha what happen Kevin cause she would figure out that he was involved in the shooting . The fact that I actually almost  lost my brother bother the shit bothered t me . I still tried to figure out who was after us and why .  I never thought that's shit would get back to this . I thought we were finally out the game , I thought we was done with shit like this for good . But like they say the past always find its way back to haunt you .

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