Chapter 4

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"You can't let them see you cry because that's when they know when to take advantage.
Never be scared to walk alone , when you walk you do with your head up .
Think before you speak and know before you judge . Always protect your own right or wrong and never let a outsider get in the middle of the family ".

I starred in the mirror remembering the words that my dad had taught me when I was younger . I never forgot those words they stuck with me my entire life .
I was knock out my thoughts when I heard a knock on my door .
" whose it ?"
" Celess open this damn door" Derek said angrily
" hi Derek "
" so when you was going to tell me that fuck nigga Tariq put hands on you ?"
" cause I know if I did between you , Kevin or Michael y'all would try probably kill him "
" shit I almost did last night , nigga came in my club disrespecting me . when I find out where that nigga lay his head it over it ".

I couldn't say nothing cause I knew when Derek was upset about someone disrespecting him and hitting me it was no way to calm him down . I thought this year everything was going to go smooth but shit Tariq had to pop up again.

I make love song for street
I make love song for the bitches
I make love song for day ones
I make love for the trenches
( loves song 4 streets by lil durk )

I'm busy trying to bring some new inventory for my club " The Lion's Den " when Derek text talking about he had to whoop Tariq ass in the club for disrespecting him and hitting our little sister Celess . I just know Tariq lucky as hell because if I was there I would have finished what Kevin started .
(Each of my brothers had clubs in different part of the city and were further away fro  each other, so we wouldn't be stepping on one  another  toes and shit it work.)
I was about to head to my car when I notice this girl was crying in the parking lot . Shawty was fine as hell she had a nice dark complexion , small waist but she got some bruises on her face . I would feel bad if I just left her like that but then she ain't my bitch but yet again Shawty look helpless.
I decided to approach her ; " hey sweetheart you okay "
" stay away from before I spray you "
" hey hey calm down I'm not going to hurt you , plus your bleeding and then you need to get that shit clean up "
" I don't got no where to go and no one to run too " Shawty said crying
" I have a extra room in my house and you look like you could use the help ".
" okay thank you "
" I'm Michael Banks what about you "
" Natasha Strachan "
I helped Shawty to get in the car I know it's not safe to carry a stranger but apart of me thought if it was my sister Celess and I would want someone to help her if she was in that predicament.

Unknown character
I don't know why you don't leave that bitch alone "
" Watch how you speak about her plus I can't leave her alone I have to crumble her a whole life apart "
" so what you need me to do "
" to hurt her where it hurts ".

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