Chapter 11

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The one time we need Celess to have her shared location on it isn't . I was knock out my thoughts when I got a phone call ;
"Hi ,Mr. Banks this Nurse Rahming from St. Michigan Hospital.I just saw your sister Celess got rushed in the emergency. "
" Thanks for letting me know I'm on my way ."

I speed down to the hospital and at this rate I'm surprised that I haven't gotten pull over as yet. Though I was calm I was trying to keep myself together because Derek and Michael were in the back ready to spazz out on anybody.

"Hi excuse my sister just got rushed in here . Her name is Celess Banks where she at . " Derek said loudly .
" She just went into surgery " the nurse replied calmly.

A few hours later
"Family for Celess Banks" nurse Rahming shouted
" That's us  "  we said in union while rushing to the nurse.
"Your sister's surgery went well and she's recovery. Thankful the lady that witness the incident call 911 as quick . However, your sister would need to be in bed rest for a few days. "

Okay .

My body ached and I still felt dizzy. I started to remember what had happened. I had just finish closing the store and I was  on my way to Naomi's when I notice this car kept following me so I called Kevin. Next thing I knew I was shot and I had drove my car into a tree .  I was knock out my thoughts by three brother shouting questions at me.

Yo baby sis you okay?
Yo you saw the nigga that shot you?
Yo remember the number on the license plate ?
I feel fine and no I don't remember seeing a license plate number. I replied.

The doctors said that they had to watch over me over night  to make sure I was  good. Keyshawn was out of town and he wouldn't be able to come in until the morning . Derek didn't like the sound of me being alone at the hospital so he stayed with me the entire night. Naomi in the other hand I didn't hear from and wondered if she was okay.

Michael POV
What a fucking day it's always something happening. I know whoever shot at Celess betters hope the police them before I do ,because I swear they're not going to like it . Kevin looked exhausted driving so I told him I'll drive him home . I even saw him shed couple tears on the way . We knock off our thoughts by the ringing of Kevin's phone . The call was from unknown number he put the call on speaker phone and allow them to speak first.

The caller;
" 2 months ago your sister got this same call . I told you guys to stay loaded cause it really be a shame if something happen to the Bank family . See your sister got lucky that night at the club and you got lucky that day when you got shot . So I had to go after her first love Tariq now it's your sister Celess including your daughter and your beautiful wife time . Would be ashame if you won't be able to host a open face casket funeral for them ". A manly voice said on the phone .

" Daddy I'm scared please come for us I'm scared ". Daisha scream on the other side of the phone crying .

" I really hope you find us Kevin and come with 2 million you got 4 days . Tick tock the clock starts now .

" who the fuck is this and you better don't lay a finger on none of them ."

" better make it quick then ".

I never Kevin screamed so loud out of anger from when we were young we were told watch over own . Family is important and family comes first . So whenever someone missed with anyone of us it was a total violation.
Kevin said he wanted to stop home for a few things and when he got in the house was in complete ruin.

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