Chapter 7

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I was panicking and dialing my brothers and Naomi numbers to make sure they were okay . Crazy thing is that everyone answered their phones and said that they're totally fine . I drove home in silence for just contemplating on my thoughts wondering who the fuck call me and what they were referring when they said they killed someone I love .
I finally arrived to my house Keyshawn told me to text me when I reached inside and I did just so . I decided to take a shower after I did and what I heard on the news totally shock me .

"25 year old Tariq Gibson was shot 7 times today inside his home . Neighbors heard several gunshot fired off from the house and decided to call the police . Tariq Gibson died on the scene . "

For all the bad things Tariq did to me you would think that him getting killed wouldn't bothered me but instead shit hurt . He was my first love and my first heartbreak my first everything, so to see him on white T hurt my heart . I starred at the tv in disbelief and couldn't believe what I was hearing .

I was busy watching some "Orphan Black" on Netflix when Celess called me asking me if I was okay . Girl had me going back and forth calling everyone in our circle to make sure they was good . I was about to drop sleep when I got a text from Celess;

Celess : girl someone killed Tariq
Naomi; omg are you serious ?
Celess : dead ass I just watch it on the news. I'm wondering if it's connecting to the called that I got
Naomi : it could be but you and Tariq broke years ago , so whoever is after us would know that .
Celess; yeah I know this means we gotta alert at all times .
Naomi: best believe it .

I can't believe Celess texted me and told me that Tariq was dead . Shit that kinda caught me at surprise.

While I'm in here I need you to take care your brother and sisters . I know losing Keisha and Ashanti is hurting you guys but I need you to stay strong because you're the oldest . I need you teach them everything your father and I taught you . I don't know how long I'll be in here but Kevin I need you to know you must always protect your own right or wrong and never never let a fucking outsider get in the middle of family .
End of flashback !

I decided to take a early morning jog while I did I decided to pass the graveyard . I was visiting Ashanti and Keisha graves . They both were like sisters to me it was like yesterday we were hitting licks together and shit just went left . Ashanti was pregnant with her first born when her boyfriend killed her. When Keisha and I found out we all went after him and his crew but Keisha got shot 6 times during the shooting . Shit had us scarred we lost two sister within days apart .
After couple minutes at the graveyard I decided to jog back home . While I was doing that this black car came and pull up and open fire on me . One thing about me a pussy hole would never catch me slipping cause I always got a  tool on me . I started firing shots back while comes to find out it was only one nigga in the car and it didn't take me to long to head shot him but I got hit on my side. I wasn't far from Celess so I decided to head there and let her clean and fix me up .


She got text from her ex she saying she getting colder
Maybe it all the weight on on my shoulder
Maybe it all the weight on my shoulder
She got a call from her momma so much drama
(Rod wave weight on my shoulder )

Michael and I was busy helping Celess move some furniture around her house because she decided that wanted to re decorate her whole house . I was heading to my car when I saw I someone from a distance laying in the floor bleeding and it looked like Kevin so I decided to drive my car towards his direction.
Shit it was actually Kevin bleeding on the road I decided to rush in my car and drive to Celess house so she could patch and clean him up .

"Celess "
"Ce fucking less"
"Yes yes am coming what happen "
" Kevin got shot "
"What ?" Celess and Michael said in disbelief as they rush down the stairs.
Celess eyes burst open when she that Kevin was bleeding so she hurried rush and got her medical kit and decided to remove the bullet and clean and patch Kevin's wound .
Even though Kevin was fine Celess emotional ass still cried like it was someone funeral while she was cleaning Kevin wound .

We couldn't go to the hospital because the police would asked to much questions and thank God for Celess skills in medical care because she came  through every time for situations like these .
The good thing about this situation Celess and Kevin live like  a blocks from each other so he was lucky.

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