Chapter 9

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"Boy I don't want you to grow up like me . I need you to grow up and go further than I did . I need you to be better than me . All this street shit isn't worth it and I need you to get you and your brothers and sisters out this life . You hear me boy ?"

Yes sir "
End of flashback
I can't believe I almost die the other day shit I didn't wake up thinking I was going to get shot that day . Like they always say you have to always expect the unexpected and death is inevitable.
  Kandice made me stayed home with her for the past 3weeks since the shooting . Daisha was a bit to young to understand what was going on so I basically lied to her said that I was taking a 2 weeks vacation from the club and that Celess was helping running the club .   Thanks the Celess I was able to keep the club open and she ran it during the night and her beauty boutique during the day .

" Natasha hurry up if you're not down her 5 minutes we're not going.

" I'm coming I'm coming "
" you be taking so long to get ready "
" no I do not "
" girl yes you do witcha fine ass "
" lol thanks Michael "

I decided to take Natasha shopping and for lunch today , I figured this would help her to get out the house .  To be honest shawty was fine as hell . I told her that on the regular and all she do is laugh . 
We finally arrived to the mall I got myself a few outfits and so did Natasha.  She made me  rate her outfits while we were in the store .
  After what felt like hours of shopping with Natasha we finally went to this restaurant to eat .

Shit woman take long to dress and to shop .

" Michael you're a cute successful young man , how come you don't go after these girls that's drooling after you ."

" Cause I want a decent female who I could build a family with . I don't want some wild girl who be partying every night . I need someone  who I could be proud to walk out in public with ."

" I understand where you coming from . But you must had a girl that you was with in the past ."

" I spoiled her , gave her everything she asked for and she still turn around and cheated on me . "

" oh I'm sorry to hear that "
" yeah I'm over it but what about you cause you fine as hell so must have had  nigga that  was trip over you ."

" I did but he cheated with on me with my Bestfriend and when I confronted him about it he beated badly tell I ran away from him and that where you found me in the parking lot ."

" Damn ! A girl like you don't need to be going through that .

" I know  "
" I think you're pretty and you deserve better and I want to give you better so would be my girlfriend?

" Yess I would like that "

These past 3 weeks were  hectic as hell I had to deal with Kevin's Club , the boutique and Naomi through her depression stage . It was the time around where she lost her dad and she always got depress and I hated seeing her like that .
  I went grocery shopping for her and cooked her meal because she wasn't in the mood to do anything at all .   Keyshawn had wanted me to go out with him  again put I told him I would have to pass on that because I needed to be here for Naomi .  Derek and Michael dropped by to check up on her basically everyday .

" Naomi you need to eat your greens "

" Celess stop acting like you my damn mama telling me to eat my greens ."
" well I wouldn't have to be acting  like her if you would just eat your greens "

" eat your green ,eat your greens their good good for you ." Naomi said mocking Celess

" Girl just eat your foo- "

I was cut off by the hard banging on the door . Before I headed  to the door Naomi grab  a bat and I had a gun in my hand .

I looked through the peep hole and it was just Derek .

"  boy what you banging on this door so damn hard for ."

" so y'all could have known that I was outside duh"
" you almost got pop doing that shit "
Derek laugh as he notice the gun in my hand and the bat in Naomi's .
" I came for some food i went to your house but you wasn't there so I figured you was by Naomi cooking .

" I'll get you a plate ."
" Celess don't put greens on my plate ."
" yes I will because their good for you "
" Celess you act so old always putting greens on people plate and forcing them to eat them like you someone mama ."
" I told her the same thing "
" I just know y'all need to eat them greens . "

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