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cynthicize_ don't be fooled, i got asked to take this

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"Hello? C?" Ranboo said into his breakout room. The pair were partnered for a virtual lab in Chemistry.

"Hello." She said after a pause.

"You alright?"

"Yeah, yeah. Im good." She replied, unconvincingly.

"Alright, let's finish the day and i'll-"

"How's it goin in here? Any work done so far?"

"We've gotten a few questions done." Ranboo answered. They hadn't, but it's better to lie and continue to be partnered together rather than the alternative of not being able to work together again.

"What question are you on?"

"Three." He kind of lied, he was on three. Question was, was Cynthia?

"Alright, keep up the good work." The teacher said before leaving the room to pester another group of working kids.

"You lied." She said, voice devoid of anything but annoyance.

"Not entirely, im on question three. I assumed you weren't though. Did you want the answers?"

"No, i got it." She replied. Ranboo could sense her uneasiness through the small computer.

"Are you alright? You seem quite angry."

"Im fine, let's just work."

And they did just that despite her obvious mood. She got frustrated a lot as well as muting herself and turning off her camera rapidly. Why, Ranboo had no clue. He presumed he'd figure it out later.

"Ranboo i have to go."

"Why? whats up?"

"Tell Mr. Bryant i have a doctors appointment please. Come over later and i'll explain. Love you bye." She said hastily before leaving.

Love you.

Those words echoed throughout his brain as he tried to concentrate on the work in front of him. He'd usually be able to manage but with everything on his mind, he couldn't finish one problem.

"How is- Where did Cynthia go?" Mr. Bryant asked, confusion shown on his face.

"Oh, she had a doctors appointment to attend. She had forgotten about it before class and had to leave abruptly. She apologized." He explained with a small, consoling smile.

"Oh, alright. How far have you gotten since?"

"Question 17, sir." He lied straight through his teeth, bit smiled nonetheless.

"Alright, finish it up for homework tonight and you're free to leave. Have a nice day Mr. Williams." Ranboo nodded in response before exiting the zoom meeting.

The teen's day droned by as he checked the date.

3:45 PM
December 1st, 2020

Ranboo groaned before his phone lit up with a facetime call from Cynthia. He stared at the picture that appeared on the screen, accompanied with the name "Cynthia❤️" and the answer and decline buttons. The phone rang before stopping and starting again. He realized he'd gotten distracted and actually answered the call.

"Can you come over?" She asked quietly, looking around her surroundings.

"Of course. What happened?"

"Just wanna talk, need some company. I'll be home in about ten minutes, please be there or get there soon." She whispered before hanging up. The girl sounded distraught. He worried for her but pushed any bad thoughts away.

He took a deep breath before gathering some things for the girl. He grabbed a hoodie, a blanket, his computer and school things, and himself. He packed it into his car and talked to his parents. While they'd been rather fed up with his late night leavings and random disappearances, they'd let him go as he was rather upset about it.

Ranboo was a good kid, they trusted him immeasurably. They knew if he really needed to go somewhere, he'd look out for his safety and be aware of his surroundings. He still had to be home before 1am and his school work was to be done before he got back, as it was a school night, but he hadn't minded that rule.

Whenever he'd pulled up at the house, Cynthia's car had been located in the driveway. Well her mother's car had been, but you get the point. Ranboo walked to the door with his bag on his back.

After he knocked, the door opened to reveal Sophia, the girl's mother.

"She is in her room. So as a little insight, i was just informed that her father would be stationed in Iraq for longer than expected and he won't be home until after her birthday."

"Oh, im so so sorry. Are you alright? Is there anything i can do?" He asked, empathetic as he'd known the family for a few months now.

"Not much, just try to take care of her i guess. She trusts you." Her mom smiled. Ranboo nodded in response, smiling in return.

"She's in her room. You can go on up, thank you for coming over."

"No problem. Let me know if you need anything, i can have Cynthia give you my number if you'd like."

"Sure, thank you, seriously."

Ranboo nodded before walking up the stairs towards his best friends room. Opening the door, he found it was locked. He knocked softly on the door, their little secret knock. It was a few moments before the door unlocked and opened. He couldn't utter a word before her arms wrapped around his torso and her face was buried in his chest.

"Hello." He whispered, softly running his fingers through her hair. Thr girl gripped his shirt in a way of staying calm but also responding.

"Why don't we lay down. You can get some sleep and I'll just lay with you, yeah?" He whispered. She hesitated before nodding and pulling herself away.

The pair walked into the room, her shutting the door behind them. She left it unlocked as Ranboo plopped on the bed with a small laugh. Cynthia smiled the first real smile of the day; Ranboo seemed to do that easily, she found.

"Well, are you gonna stand there or are you going to actually lay down." Ranboo joked. He trued to lighten the mood after seeing how she looked. Pale, that was the first thing he'd noticed. Red eyes. Dark bags under her red and bloodshot eyes. Tear tracks. Disheveled hair.

Cynthia walked over and grabbed his bag off the floor before unzipping it.

"Thats my- okay just take my hoodie you thief." Ranboo joked, a small laugh escaping his lips upon seeing her throw it on. The fabric practically drowned her.

"Can we start binge-watching a show?" She asked, looking at him with begging eyes.

"Sure, what show?"

"Grey's Anatomy?"

"Sure, why not."

They started the show and after the first two episodes, Cynthia fell asleep with her head resting on Ranboo's shoulder. He continued watching as he contemplated doing his homework. After a while he had fallen asleep with her.

Two hours had passed and Cynthia's mother had gone to check up on the pair. She found them both asleep in her bed, though she hadn't minded. She trusted the boy's actions and what he had planned for the future with her daughter, and it was nothing bad of the sorts. Ranboo gave off good vibes to her, unlike the vibes Austin gave off from the beginning.

Sophia liked him and she knew Cynthia had as well.

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