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cynthicize_ this was taken at the hospital 😎

ranboomc im so swaggy tying your shoes for you
   cynthicize_ goals <3

user HOSPITAL?!?!?!

The pair got out of the car before helping Lexi out of thr car too. They all walked in and Cynthia's anxiety was through the roof. She'd never really met his family before, so this was rather new territory.

"Mom, Dad, we're back!" Ranboo yelled before his parents appeared in front of them. Ranboo hung his keys and slipped off his shoes, Cynthia and Lexi doing the same.

"Oh, hello! You must be Cynthia!" Ranboo's father exclaimed with a smile, "Im Andrew's father, but you can call me Scott."

"Oh, you're gorgeous." Ranboo's mom said in the sweetest tone of voice. Cynthia blushed at the comment and thanked her softly.

"You can follow me into the dining area. You can call me whatever you please, but my name is Calliope." She responded, making sure the girl was following her into the dining room. Lexi followed the both as well, grabbing ahold of her mothers hand and smiling at the new face. Cynthia smiled back whole heartedly.

Ranboo eventually walked up behind Cynthia and rested a hand on her lower back, making her anxiety levels fall some.

"So you and Andrew met recently?" She asked, looking between the two teens as Ranboo pulled out a chair for her next to him.

"Yeah mom, in person we met recently."

"In person?"

"She's an online friend, we became frinds a while ago. She moved and ended up here."

"Oh! She's that girl?"

"That girl?" Cynthia questioned.

"Mom, do we need to bring that up?" Ranboo asked, confusing Cynthia even more.

"Sorry, sorry." She apologized. "Come on, Lexi, lets go help your father with finishing dinner."

"Okay!" The little girl said, running into the kitchen.

"What was your mom talking about?" Cynthia asked, waiting until the pair were put of the room to ask.

"We can talk about it later, whenever we go to my room." Andrew said, dropping the topic and starting a new conversation until his father came to grab the both for dinner. They made plates, Andrew screwing around with Cynthia as they did so.

"Andrew- Andrew stop! Im gonna drop the plate!" She squealed as he nudged her before putting his plated down to tickle her.

"He's happy with her." Calliope whispered, watching the pair from the bar at the other end of the kitchen. Alyssia came back home from the library and helped Lexi with her food, taking her to the dining room seconds prior.

"Yeah, he really is. We taught him well, huh." Scott replied in a hushed tone.

"Yeah, we did." Calliope whispered with a smile, grasping her husbands hand.

"No! No Cynthia don't you dare! No!" He yelled, dodging the girls wet hand from washing the spaghetti sauce off of it due to touching spoon Ranboo got messy. She had tried to make her own plate but really, it was not going well.

"No! Cynthia! Stop!" He screamed with a laugh, running away from her and through the house she'd never been in before but felt almost more comfortable in than her own home.

"Okay, okay. Just help me get the food, idiot." Cynthia said, out of breath as she followed Ranboo into the kitchen. He helped her get her food before taking both hers and his plate to the table. She complained the whole way there, saying she had a free hand and could help. He simply ignored her.

The family ate together, all meeting and conversing with Cynthia as if she were one of their own family members.

"Hey mom, im gonna clean up with Andrew!" Alyssia said as their mother started putting things away.

"Let me just take Cynthia to my room, i'll be back!" Andrew exclaimed, gently grabbing Cynthia's hand and taking her upstairs to his room.

"So this is my infamous room. Just stay up here for no more than half an hour. The bathroom is directly across the hall. Do as you please, Love." Ranboo said before walking back down the stairs. She admired his room. The posters, the setup, everything.

The two downstairs were totally lost in conversation of the girl upstairs.

"How long ago did you meet her?"

"We became friends in June, maybe July. We met in person around October. She's in most of my classes. Put this on the top shelf."

"I know where things go, Andrew." She said with a laugh, "You like her, like you have a crush on her right?"

"I mean, n-no."

"Andrew." She deadpanned, looking at the male as he washed the final plate.

"Is it that obvious?" He asked, handing her the plate to dry and put away.

"No, but i see the way you look at her and I saw the way you acted with her."

"Im scared she doesnt like me back."

"Anyone who doesn't, isnt really looking at who they are dealing with. Alright, i'll finish up. Go hang out with your lady friend."

"I actually hate you." Andrew replied as he walked up the stairs.

The bedroom door opened, frightening Cynthia a bit. She set her phone face down on the bed, a habit she formed after Austin would go through her phone or her notifications whenever he had the chance.

The pair hung out the rest of the night, Cynthia having asked to stay the night. Her mom agreed as long as Andrew's parents were alright with it.

"Are you okay with sleeping in the same bed? If not I can grab the air mattress and-"

"Have we not shared the same bed before?" Cynthia rhetorically asked with a smile. Ranboo rolled his eyes and dropped the subject, laying down next to her. She laid her head on his chest as he wrapped an arm around her. They both laid in the silence, absorbing the feeling of being together.

"I think i like you, Ranboo." Cynthia said softly.

"Good, because i think i like you too." He said after a few moments of smiling to himself.

"What do we do now?" She asked, looking up at the boy.

"We do whatever you want to do. First off, lets take a week or so and test the waters before making anything official. But i would really love for you to be my girlfriend one day, i'd wait however long for that day." He spoke softly, running his fingers through her hair.

"I wanna call you my boyfriend too, i just don't want what happened with Austin to happen again."

"Hey, Im not gonna hurt you or chest on you or treat you like shit. You're my best friend, if we dont work out we dont work out but im not gonna actively ruin something that i want in ways that would destroy you. Im not like that."

"Okay." She whispered with a smile, trying to pry her eyes open but they inevitably closed and she fell asleep.

"What have you done to me, Cynthia." Ranboo whispered before falling asleep.

Gone, Gone, Gone || Ranboo ✔️Where stories live. Discover now