💔An Uncharmed Life💔

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My life was perfect. I was 10 years old when Father Boris adopted me from the hell hole that was my adoption center. He met me in a small room when I was young and shook hands with me.

"I'm going to take care of you for as long as I live..." I remember when he told me that... and how much I took it to heart. I remember packing my bags and running to him as we walked all the way to the woods, deep in towards a house that was just big enough for the two of us. For 5 years he cooked for me, clothed me, and loved me... until I was 15 and I heard his ex-wife died, so he was getting his biological sons... I was ecstatic to have two younger brother's but that's when my life took a sour turn. My brothers were like Father Boris, with cups for heads, but I was well... a dice. I was immediately different from them, so my father began neglecting my needs. Since my brothers were only 12 at the time, he ignored me to give them more attention. The two were named Cuphead and Mugman. They adored my Dad, and tried to be nice to me, but I despised them for taking away my perfect life. One day the two were fighting over sharing a room... so my father threw me into a shed with nothing more than some of my belongings, clothes, and a mattress, and if I protested;

"Dice, stop being so selfish!" My father had stopped calling me my first name... King. My mother gave it to me before she died because she believed I'd do great things. I remember slowly but surely renovating the shed to become a bit better of a living space, and getting a job since Father Boris quit his job to spend every waking moment with his kids. I slowly began building a business, launching Delicate Delicacy's, my baking business at the age of 18. I made orders at home, boxed them up, put them in a wagon, and would skate around to different locations. I was the fastest bakery in town, and made enough money for my family to stay afloat. I was now 21.... still abused, but everyday I save a little more money towards moving away... until my Father finds the money, beats me for it, and tells me I'm worthless and not strong enough to move out. I always only had enough to buy clothes and food. All the rest of my money went to Father Boris. I may be an adult... but somedays I didn't feel strong enough to stand up to him. At the moment I was skating  to a local cafe, and dropping off some muffins for their morning rush. I skated in to see the coffee headed man, and his tea headed wife turn to me.

"Mr.Dice, it's so lovely to see you." Tea skipped over to me, and gave me a gentle hug. I smiled and handed her the box of muffins from my bag as she paid me.

"Glad to see this place is in lovely shape." I smiled. She giggles.

"Wouldn't be possible without your incredible muffins!" I laughed with her and smiled as Joe came to the front to laugh with us. I waved them goodbye as I skated and dropped off more and more of my morning orders. I was on Isle 3 oddly enough, which was Inkwell City, and quietly looked around to see the Devil's Casino. I smiled as I looked to the Casino. I checked my watch and decided I had time, so I skated inside. I always wanted to work here. Their food was amazing, and the atmosphere was always fun and exciting.  I smiled at the bright lights and smells of gorgeous food. I bumped into a taller male.

"Oh- I am so sorry." I politely helped him up. I noticed... it was the Devil himself.

"Who the hell do you think you are? Why weren't you looking where you were going!?" I jumped a bit as his red eyes glared down at me.

"I am very sorry sir... I was just admiring the atmosphere here. I never meant to disturb you." I spoke politely, oddly not intimidated by the taller person in front of me. He seemed to notice my lack of fear and seemed a bit confused.

"Well... enjoy your time here. Please be aware." I nodded and waved goodbye to him as I slowly skated around, drawing the things that needed improving in my black sketchbook. My watch chimed, reminding me to get going home, so I skated out of the casino, and skated from Inkwell City, all the way back to the woods. I got home to find Father Boris waiting for me outside.

"Where have you been?" He seemed cross with me.

"I was out making orders, I had a long order on Isle 3, and brought home extra profits thanks to the time I spent." He rolled his eyes as I spoke. I split the money in 3/4th, giving the 70% to him. He counted everything and turned to walk inside.

"Go make dinner." I sighed and got to cooking. I watched as Cuphead and Mugman played in the living room. Even at 21 I held a hatred against the two... call me immature all you want, but if they never came around I wouldn't be in this situation. I absolutely blame them some days... they sometimes hear the arguments and always defend Father Boris. It's frustrating. I made dinner and served everyone, then went to the shed to sit down and look into the sketch book. I smiled quietly and continued drawing some of the things I remembered, but got a call on my wall phone. I was confused, no one calls this late in the afternoon? I got off my mattress and picked up the phone.

"Hello! This is Delicate Delicacy's, Mr.Dice speaking!" I tried to be cheery, even though I was pissed they were interrupting my break time.

"Hello! This is the Devil's Casino, I-I'm Mr.Wheezy and I frantically need..." The man listed off almost every pastry I had left in stock. "Could you get them here by tonight!?" I heard yelling in the background as I smiled at the biggest opportunity of a lifetime.

"Absolutely!" The man thanked me and I hung up. I started packing my backpack with the boxes, then my 2 side bags. It was all really heavy to take on foot, so I went inside to tell Father Boris where I was going.

"Father Boris, I'm heading out for a big order." He rolled his eyes at me as Mugs and Cups played with him. I sighed and grabbed my 2 side bags, skating fast to the casino.


I dodged my boss as he yelled at his ex-right hand man. He had forgotten to order desserts every week for years, and the Devil was completely over it. I prayed that Mr.Dice would make it soon before the boss came after me next.

"You absolute dolt of a right hand man! You're fired!" The ex-right hand man ran out of the casino in fear. I sighed.

"We're doomed..." I then heard the boss call me so I ran in. "Yes Boss?...." He glared down to me.

"Where is that damn baker?!" I jumped at his loud voice.

"H-He promised to be here soon sir!" I retorted, trying to be strong.

"Well he isn't-" 

"Hello! Delicate Delicacy Delivery!" We both heard the person yell, making the Devil laugh a bit. I sighed in relief, being off the hook thankfully. We walked to the front to see that man who always dressed in a purple sweater and dress pants with purple suspenders. He always quietly skated around the Casino to draw, but never played a game or gambled. "Hello sirs! I'm Mr.Dice." The staff and I helped unload the desserts, only to realize he was in skates.

"How far did those skates carry you?" The Boss had asked the question curiously. Mr.Dice smiled a bit.

"Well I skated here all the way from the Inkwell Woods on Isle 1." The Boss looked suprised.

"Well, you must rest with us." Mr.Dice looked to the Devil with a smile.

"I'd really appreciate that."

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