new beginnings

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I kept slowly skating to Joe and Teas. I dropped off the food and kept skating, trying to get to the casino, but I felt tired. Thankfully I heard a horn honk at me ahead. A black car pulled up. The window rolled down to reveal Wheezy. I smiled and waved, getting in the car, groaning quietly as I held my ribs. Wheezy looked to me, but before I could do anything I fell right asleep. 


I woke up at the casino in a bed, my ribs were bruised and I groaned. "Damnit..." I sighed in pain. I couldn't do anything but lay there in agony. I smiled a bit though. I was finally free... even if it was for a moment, I was free. I laid there comfortably, and I heard the door open. I looked over and saw the Devil.

"Wheezy I need you-" He made eye contact with me, so I sat up a bit and waved, covering my chest with a blanket. The Devil walked over. "Are you feeling alright?" I smiled a bit.

"Thank you, yes I am. Just in a bit of pain." The blanket fell from my hand and revealed my bruises that were already forming. The Devil looked shocked and looked down at the bruises. I went to cover them, but he stopped me, gently holding my hand away.

"How long do you intend to stay at the casino?" He asked it sternly, looking over the bruises. I blushed a bit of a light lavender. This was a bit odd, anyone could admit that. 

"I was um... planning a week." He looked to me like I was insane and rolled his eyes. I felt embarrassed, pulling the blanket over my chest. "I've had worse beatings. I don't think it's a big deal." Devil looked me straight in the eyes.

"Dice, you need to rest for at least 3 to 6 weeks." I was surprised and shook my head. There was no way I was going to rest that long. "Dice it is for your own safety." I felt tears well in my eyes. I didn't want to rest. I hadn't come all the way here to rest! 

"Sir please, I... I didn't come here to just sleep and rest. I came back because..." I looked away shyly. I wanted to work here so bad... and being a manager was a dream. "... because I want to be here to work, sir. I... I'm still considering the manager position, and I appreciate the concern, but I need to be out working with everyone else." I stood my ground. I refused to rest while the rest of the stuff had all the fun! The Devil smiled and gently pat my head, making my cheeks flush a darker purple.

"Fine, but rules. You're not allowed to separate fights, and if you need help ask Wheezy or the staff for help. Alright?" I smiled sweetly and nodded. He laughed a bit. "You're one hell of a hard worker." He got up and waved to me, leaving the room. I smiled... he was a sweet man. I'd love to be at his side as a right-hand man. I shook my head. I had to think it all over. We're talking about my soul here. I yawned a bit. "Well, you should rest." He got up and walked out the door. I laid in Wheezy's bed. I did have to say I hated the smoke smell on his covers. To be fair the man was a cigar, and oddly smoked a lot. I decided to get dressed in uniform and go out to meet the others. I bumped into someone who was taller, and a stack of poker chips. He tilted his cowboy hat to me.

"Sorry sir, I'm King Dice." I smiled and went to shake his hand. He stared at my hand blankly.

"Names Chips." He then walked away, leaving me with an open hand... I guess he didn't like me. That's fair. I kept walking around the casino to relax. I was a bit tired, but I began waiting tables trying to help the best I could. Eventually people nearby started trouble, so I immediately used my cards  to stop them. I know- the Boss said not to, but how couldn't I resist helping? I noticed as I walked the Devil appeared in front of me with a glare. I sighed and stopped using my magic, letting Wheezy handle it. I groaned.

"I told you not to stop fights Dice." The Boss pulled me to the side to talk.

"Sir! With all due respect I only used my magic!" He glared at me as I spoke up to him. I hated being told what to do, especially after my father. "I will not be told what to do!" Some staff overheard and were shocked, but for once I stood my ground. The Devil himself looked shocked and walked away. I smiled in victory, continuing to wait tables.


I sat in my office, not only mad, but also... suprised. No one has ever stood up to me before. Normally I'm to terrifying to them for them to defy me... but Dice was different. What was it thay made him so fearless? What the hell gave him that confidence?!
Though... why did I like his confidence? Why did I like that someone finally challenged me? I smiled as I leaned back in my chair, and lighting my cigar.

"Would make one tough as hell manager... and a good- I mean right-hand man." My cheeks were a bit warm as I spoke but I ignored it. Working with Dice would be nice. It'd be wonderful to have someone at my side who didn't flinch if I breathed. Being the Prince Of Hell sounds fun... until you realize you'll always be alone. Sure, the staff are here... but you can't keep anyone around... but Dice is still around? What could all of this mean? I need a damn drink...

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