beach filler episode pt.3

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I was on Inkwell Isle 2. Out of my brother and I, my Dad allowed me to go since the local library was there! I loved the place. I was walking by that beach hotel when I heard an all to familiar laugh. At one of the hotel doors... I saw Dice. He was talking to...

"Boss! Let's get going to that sushi place I told you about!" He held the Devil's hand as they spoke and sped down the street. Why... why was he on some wierd date with the Devil? Is that why he left home!? A stupid crush!? I followed them for a bit. They went to a restaurant and sat, laughing together, and acting like nothing was wrong. Dice was living a completely different life. He excused himself from the table and went outside pulling out his black book and writing in it.

"Everything is so perfect now..." He said it to himself as he wrote quietly. As he turned to go inside, he saw me.

"Is he why you left us?..." Dice had the most confused look on his face.

"I'm sorry... do I know you kid?" I was suprised he had the absolute audacity to pretend he didn't know me. He was my brother! How could he forget me? I stood there as he walked back in. I looked through the window to see King and the Devil smile. I... I'd never seen him genuinely smile before. The Devil said something and he laughed. Had he ever laughed at home? He was never this happy. He had always looked like all the joy in him was gone at home, but oddly enough with literal Satan, he was happier. The Devil and I made eye contact as Dice left to go to the restroom. I panicked and tried to turn away, but the Devil appeared in front of me. Golly was I nervous.

"My assumption is you're King's brother?" I nodded a bit as he spoke. His low voice was rather intimidating.  "Alright then I should explain things." He knelt down to my level. How was he so tall? "Your brother cannot remember who you are. At all." My eyes widened at his words.

"Why not!? We're his family! If anyone should be in his life it's us!" I tried to relax, but I was upset. He looked down at me with... a clealry worried look.

"Kid... I'm not here to tell you how to feel, but I do know King is better off with me. He's happier, has a bed room, and even enjoys his work. I'm not trying to ruin your life, but he came to me fpr help... and I just wanted to be there for King." I felt my bloos boil. Why did he get to call him his first name and we didn't!? How did he make Dice happy and we couldn't!?

"You're as horrible as they say you are..." I said it confidently with all the malice I could muster. He stood up, and I thought he'd hurt me.

"I know..." He dissappeared back inside to greet Dice with a smile. Something I could never do again... he and I were supposed to be best friends, but he left me behind.

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