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I sat in the car next to the Boss and he was resting. Wheezy and the others took a different car this time. The Boss wanted to relax. So he only took me with him. I thought about dinner and how lovely it all was. I'd never been treated so kindly or so lovingly. He was awake at the moment, but the car was filled with the sound of quiet jazz music and rain hitting the roof of the car. He seemed a bit tired from this morning. Getting everyone ready for the trip home was an entire hassle. I smiled to him. He looked to me and smiled too. We both bonded so much over dinner. He's so sweet. He lived in a similar family to me at some point. Exiled just for breathing... it felt amazing to be understood for once.

*timeskip brought to you by writers block*

We pulled up to the Casino and grabbed our bags. Well the Boss was sweet and had the imps carry mines in. Inside we found the imps cleaning and... a woman? I looked to her and saw a demon with red skin, a curvy figure, and brown hair.

"Excuse me miss? Can I help you?" She looked me up and down and laughed a little. I was a bit insecure as is... "Ma'am we aren't open today. I have to ask you to lea-"

"Devvy!" She ran past me... and hugged Boss. She clinged to him like she knew him already. I walked over and looked to the Boss who politely pushed her off.

"Eliza please... not now." He sighed. "King, this is my ex-wife, Eliza. She visits once in a while. Eliza, this is King Dice, my right hand man." She looked over my figure as Devil spoke to me. She kept eyeing me.

"Wow you could live to lose a few. Anyway! I'm Eliza." She held out her hand and I shook it. She then slipped away, trying to drag Devil with her. He turned to leave with her but I held his hand for a moment. He looked to me concerned.

"Yes King?..." I tried to form words. I didn't know why I grabbed him.

"You... said in the car... a surprise?" He looked confused and realized.

"Right! I had gotten you a gift and wanted to give it to you at dinner!" He smiles and he hands me a purple box. 

"Devvy lets go!" Eliza smiled and dragged him away from me. I sighed. She was right... I could use to lose a few, but I looked into the box. I saw the loveliest ruby heart in a gold crown, and it was a pin. I smiled. It matched the symbol the Dev assigned me. I watched as he tried to shoo away Eliza. I laughed a bit. That caught his attention so I came over as I pinned the lovely pin to my sweater.

"Boss, we have work to do. Paperwork to be precise." He looked confused but realized I was trying to help him out. I held his hand and led him to his office.

"She wasn't supposed to come for a while. I apologize King-" I shook my head and smiled to his worried face.

"I'm fine... but thank you so much." I hugged him sweetly.


King was by far the loveliest person I have ever met. He wore the lovely pin with a gorgeous smile that complimented those beautiful green eyes. He and I stayed in the others arms. My imps put on a lovely record for us and we just swayed together for a while. We had been so stressed these past weeks and even after the vacation, that little mug kept bothering poor King's mind.

"Devil... thank you." I smiled to him as he smiled to me. I wouldn't trade this man for the whole world. 

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