hopelessly devoted

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I was running out to the main lobby as fast as I could. I called in Wheezy, and got him to set up the stage. I ran and ran with those lyrics in my hand. I got to the steps, when I was stopped by two guards.

"Boys? Out of my way! It's an emergency!" I tried to pry my way through. "Boys please!" I felt panic rack through my body when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned behind me to see Boss looking down at me. My green eyes met his. "Boss... what is going on?...." In his eyes, I saw pain, but his face said nothing but disdain for me.

"You're fired." My heart shattered... and I felt myself fall apart, losing all composure.

"What?..." I looked up to those cold red eyes, in that gray skin I always loved. I tried to smile. "Boss... at least tell me why?..." He rolled his eyes, and wouldn't meet my gaze.

"You're annoying. Get the hell out of my casino." He went to turn away. The guards grabbed me by my arms, and I began crying and trying to pull away.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry for being so annoying." I kept crying as they dragged me away. "I'm so sorry that I... I..." I choked on a sob as he turned to look at me. "I'm sorry I ever loved you more than you'd ever love me..." I sobbed it out, choking on every sob, and stumbling over every tear. Everything hurt. Wheezy looked at me, and my heart fell apart as I knew I either went home, or I was homeless again. I dropped the paper in my hands. "I give up... throw me back on the street like you found me..."

"King, stop being ridiculous!" My tears felt as cold as his love for me. I missed the way he'd hug me warmly, and not look at her...

"You're right... I am being ridiculous..." I kept crying in front of him and was thrown out the doors. I fell onto my side, skidding across the ground. My head hit something, and I slowly got myself up. I gently dusted myself off... and I just started walking away from it all. Wheezy was calling my name... but I wanted to hear Devil calling my name. I wanted him to be telling me he loved me. I wanted to turn back and stop that bitch. I bumped into someone. I looked up.

"Hello, Mr.Harper... apologies I no longer work at the Devil's Casino..." I walked past him, and he led me to his home and treated me kindly even though after that sentence I never spoke again. I was kind and did work at the bar Mr.Harper owned and all I did was serve tables. I never did orders or talked to anyone. I thought I could be strong. I thought I could try and survive without him. I thought I had this. Every day was an uphill battle. I'd find myself sitting alone at night, and staring at the sky. The only thing I'd say...

"Dev..." The tears, rolling down my face like waterfalls. The pain would well in my heart and make that cursed lump in my throat, and I'd start crying in pain. "Why did you let me go?! Why did you leave me here!?" I'd cry and cry, but never sleep. I'd beg for answers to no one. I thought I could stand on my own.

I sent letters, every day, and I received no responses. I'd stay in bed for days. I wouldn't eat... what point was there in living if I didn't have Dev in my life? As a friend, lover, enemy, I didn't care. I couldn't live with myself without being in his life. I'd look up to that same moon and just tell him about my day... "Devvy... hi... I... I came back from work. I'm so sorry I took so long. I had so many tables today... I walked by the Casino and... you and Eliza look lovely." At that point I'd break down, the pain in my damaged soul would force the glass of my heart into my eyes, and bleed out tears and cries from the depths of my ocean of sorrow. "I really hate you so much... you left me here! Damn you! Curse you!" I'd sob... and sob... "I miss you so much please... don't leave me here!" Every day was unbearable without him. I'd rather be tortured than without him.

I'd go every day past the Casino, and one day he walked up to me.

"King! King-" He'd see Eliza and ignore me, then I finally snapped one day. I grabbed him by the arm.

"Stop! Please! Don't go!" I'd fall to my knees and sob. "My... My soul's bound to yours! Remember?! I... I'm supposed to be with you. I'm supposed to be your right-hand man! I'm supposed to be here not her! Dev... she's controlling you, come back to me already." I'd sob more and cry on my knees. He'd try to tug his sleeve away, but I had a death grip on that gray sleeve. "Tell me... do you hear my cries at night? Do you ever miss me? Do you ever think about me?" I'd cry over and over if it meant he'd just look at me with those red eyes...

hopelessly devoted... that's what I was. Hopelessly devoted to this man. That was one of the lyrics on that page.

"Don't leave me, please... it's unbearable. It's a lonely existence when you aren't in my life." He'd look down at me in pity. "let me please... be hopelessly devoted to you... in the rain or storm... be my wind... and hold me the way you're supposed to..." The lyrics slowly came to memory, and I simply spoke the words that could save this man from that woman. He pulled his arm roughly from mines, and I looked up to him, with nothing but pain and loss. It had only been a couple weeks... but I needed him in my life as much as he needed me. He kneeled down to me.

"King... I'm so sorry. I can... I can explain everything, please don't go." His eyes were filled with nothing but love and concern. I cried and hugged him. I sobbed into those strong shoulders.

"Me? leave you!? You left me!" I screamed it out in pain. I didn't care who saw. I didn't care who knew how I felt. I was angry, sad, and in love all at the same time. He led me inside, as I tightly clung to his hand, following him close behind. The sobs didn't stop racking my tired body.


I looked back at the smaller man. He wiped his painful tears, but all I saw was a gorgeous angel. I was finally free thanks to him. Free from Eliza. She was thrown out, not that either of us listened to her threatening remarks. We got to my office, and I knelt down to his level, gently tilting his face up to meet mines. He looked so happy but so tired.

"What happened to you, my King?..." His gorgeous green eyes widened a bit. "You must have been hurt out there... and it's all my fault. My darling King..." He nodded and kept crying, closing his eyes tight.

"All your fault!" He kept sobbing, and he was right. I kept bringing Eliza into this place, knowing full well what she did to me. Before the mind control... I'd willingly just let her in and ruin me because I thought I owed her something. King cried in front of me helplessly but looked lovely while doing so.

"I'm so sorry, My King." King slowly stopped crying but had a hard time relaxing. "Everything I do now... I do for you." I held him close as he began sobbing again. His arms went around me, and I swore to myself to never, ever let this darling angel go. Nothing could replace this man. No one could take him away from me.

In the coming days, I knew it'd be up to me to handle my King's emotional difficulties. It was my fault we ever got in this situation. I knew what she did to me... but I still let her in. I only had myself to blame, but now I would never fail my King like that again.

"Say it again..." I looked down at him curiously. "Just say it you moron." He hid his face from me. I smiled, noting the shyness.

"My King." I noticed some lavender cover his cheeks. "My Darling, Angel of A King." He just wanted to know this wasn't a dream, I'm sure. He had a hard time with love, and I'm sure he didn't want to let me go. This beautiful man never gave up on me.

Soon he fell asleep in my arms, with that precious angelic face. I laid him in bed carefully, like if I set him down to roughly he'd disappear. He slept quietly, and even with puffy eyes from crying, he looked as lovely as the day I lost him. 

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