beach filler episode!

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(This scene is inspired by typical beach scene episodes including OHHC and Future Diary)

*King Dice*
The casino was closed for the day, and I was in the car between Wheezy and the Boss. It was a long drive of smoking and laughter, but the smoking around me was becoming rather bothersome. It always caused me to sneeze as a child. I sneezed again.

"Wheezy, Boss, could you two not smoke so much in the car?" The two looked to me and nodded, putting out their cigars. I sighed in relief. Soon we stopped for a bathroom break for the others. I sat in the car tiredly. I've never been away from the Isle's or my old home so this whole trip was new to me. Though I knew everyone was going to think it was odd how much I kept of my body covered. Being honest I'm not so confident in my body. Since I was a baker for so long, my body as a bit plumper than most. At work in the lining of my vest was a corset to control my waist, but I didn't have that luxury with any bathing suit, so I decided on covering up. I currently wore a black shirt and shorts, the shirt being a bit bigger than my more petite form, and it covered any rolls, stretch marks, etc. I covered my body up because well... my father always teased me for how easily I gained weight. It was never my fault really. It all went to my stomach and thighs. As I sat and waited on the Boss I noticed the imperfections on my thighs... stretch marks that plagued my body. I sighed and wrapped up with a lacey black beach wrap around my waist. I felt a bit better. The Boss came over and noticed the new garment.

"Aren't you warm underneath all the black?" He smiled and handed me a water bottle. He made me smile sweetly. 

"I'm alright sir." We quietly drank our water together. What a lovely man. I've heard rumors of him being rude and abusive, but when I looked at him... he had the softest eyes. 


I looked King over, noticing the wrap around his waist. Black suited him oddly well. Though I did notice that unlike his suits at work, this didn't cling to his features. The shorts and shirt were loose, and clashed with his personality. I don't understand why anyone would want to cover their body, to be fair I am rather confident. We all got back in the car and finally got to the beach. Most my employees got to playing volleyball, but Pachinko, King, and Wheezy, including myself decided to relax on the beach. Pachinko and Wheezy swam and played in the water, but I noticed King walking along the beachside picking up shells. He seemed so bewildered and ecstatic about everything. He picked up mostly these light lavender shells that seemed to captivate those gorgeous green eyes. One had a snail in it, making King laugh so angelically. I smiled to him. He was a practical angel. King came over with the snail, showing it to me. I could listen to him for hours, just marveling over it. He was so sweet... yet how could anyone abuse a man this lovely? His smile, his laughter, and grace are all so enchanting. What could possibly be horrible about him? He eventually left, and went up a nearby cliff. I kept to myself. Some women came by, trying to get pictures... and I hated speaking a lot. 

"I'm sorry... I'm just trying to relax." The women kept pestering me, so I left to go check on King. I needed the space. As I got to the top I noticed to women cowering in a hiding spot, and two men approaching King, who had no defense.

"Not so tough now huh?" The men cackled. King was panicked, but kept his calm.

"Even if I get hurt... it'll be worth it." He smiled a bit, making the men scowl. King tried to run to me, but the men caught him, and threw him.

"King!" I ran after him and dived into the water. I didn't know if he could swim, but once we broke the water I immediately grabbed him, pulling him to shore. "Hang in there King." I got him to the shore, he soon coughed up the water. He was soaked so I wrapped him in a towel.

The Boss was sweet enough to worry about me. I knew he'd be mad that I took on those guys by myself, but those poor girls needed help... but I couldn't go down without a fight. The Boss had turned, so I checked on the mark on my waist. On my white porcelain was a bright red hand mark on either hip from those men... before I attempted to trade myself for the two women, but I got so scared that I began fighting back. The taller one gripped my waist so tight... The Boss looked over and I pulled my shirt down. 

"King... I understand you are a kind person... but please, next time call for help." Devil's eyes had worry written all over them. I felt horrible. He and I were rather close lately... and I noticed those red eyes of his flare red.

"I'm sorry Boss, I just... I had to help. They could have been hurt..." He smiled as I spoke. 

"I understand that King... but you could have been injured. Do you even know how to swim?" I panicked when he asked that. The truth was I can't swim at all.

"No sir..." He looked shocked.

"King you could have gotten yourself killed!? What were you thinking!?" I looked up to him... and felt my green eyes shining brightly.

"Not about myself... those girls needed help... not me." I smiled.

"But what about me?... What would I do without my right-hand-man?" He smiled a bit to me. I blushed a light lavender.

"Well... I never thought of it like that." I laughed with him for a while. 

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