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I sat in my room with my bandaged hand. I wasn't crying from the physical pain, but the emotional pain. I tried to keep my composure, but he'd never been so careless of my feelings before. I sighed and just laid on the ground. My hand ached, and I gave myself the day off. I couldn't work like this. Wheezy was kind enough to take over the floor. I heard a knock at my door. I got up, wiping my face with a wet wipe and opening the door as I fixed my robe. I looked up to see...

"Mr.Harper? It's lovely to see you!" I smiled to him and greeted him with a hug. "Come in, please." He smiled and walked in. "What are you doing here?" He smiled and handed me some orchids(don't worry they were fake this time).

"King, it's lovely to see you again. I came to visit when Mr.Wheezy contacted me about your injury. Are you alright?" I blushed a bit to my cheeks and smiled.

"Yes! I am quite alright." I showed him my bandaged hand. "I'll be ok to be honest." Mr.Harper looked to the wound worried.

"My your hand... how did it go through?" He seemed rather worried. 

"I dropped a tray and fell on the glass, cutting my hand." I touched my bandaged hand. I sighed at remembering what the Boss said to me. He was never normally that cruel. Harper looked to me.

"King I hope you get well soon." He smiled sweetly. I couldn't help, but smile back to him. He handed me an envelope and I took it.

"What is this?" He smiled to me. 

"Just a kind gift." He grabbed his things and gave me a gentle hug. "Well I best get going. Goodbye King." I waved as he left. I smiled and opened the envelope and it was a lot of cash! I ran after him.

"Harper, this isn't needed, really I'm ok." I tried to hand it back.

"King, it's just a tip for your good work." He smiled and walked away down the hall. I smiled sweetly.

"Ain't he something..." I went back to my room and put the money in my bed stand drawer. I laid in bed and laid down. My eyes became heavy as they slowly closed as I saw a dark figure near my bedroom door. I drifted into a peaceful sleep.


I finally was away from Eliza and looked in King's room. His tear stained cheeks were a flushed light purple from before. I had seen Mr.Harper leave earlier, and I would be lying if I said the jealousy wasn't consuming me. I closed the door and went to my office. I sat tiredly at my desk.  I had no control of myself for what I said to him. Everytime Eliza was around I lashed out and people and became obsessed with her even though I've long moved on... what was wrong with me? I wanted to move on with King. Even if it was just as friends he treated me better than any other person. I put my face in my hands. 

What was wrong with me?...

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