Chapter 1: Meeting Black Widow and Maria Hill

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Abandoned Building in New York

Stiles and the rest of the pack were all heading back home after watching a movie and getting something to eat when all of the werewolves tilted their heads sideways, a sign of when they hear something they shouldn't.

"Shit, guys what's going on? What are you hearing?" Stiles asked biting his lip nervously

"I'm not sure, but I'm pretty sure it's fighting," Scott replied, eyes wide.

"Then let's go!" Stiles yelled and starts running.

"Stiles wait! God damn it!" Scott yells as he and the rest of the pack run after him.

Stiles skids to a stop with wide eyes. The rest of the pack come to a stop, eyes wide as they take in what they're seeing. In front of them are 3, 20 foot spiders with mechanical legs attacking two badass looking women (Think of Grievers).

"Should we go help?" Liam asked nervously.

"Definitely, they look badass but we've got super strength on our side and a little help won't hurt, right?" Stiles replied anxiously.

"Dude, you don't have super strength." Isaac said

"No, I have a bat, but you guys have super strength" Stiles replied with a small smile.

"Oh yeah." Isaac said as Scott raises an eyebrow at him. The girls just watch the conversation with smiles and more raised eyebrows.

"We should go and help now." Allison said as she brought out a dagger and a crossbow from nowhere.

Scott, Liam and Isaac wolf out as Stiles lifts his bat up, Lydia prepares her throat for her

screams and Allison knots an arrow and aims.

"Okay, Ally how do we do this?" Stiles asked

"Wolves go first, we look for weaknesses, and then full force attack" Allison plans out.

"Yeah, got it." Stiles said and looks at Scott, Isaac and Liam nodding towards them. Scott runs at them first, Isaac and Liam right behind him. Allison finds a good place to shoot her arrows and Lydia and Stiles stand to the side, waiting for their signal.

Natasha and Maria continue fighting seeing the wolves fighting

"What the hell?" Maria mumbles as she sees what looks like teenagers willingly helping them out, with weird facial features.

"We're to help ma'am." Scott said as he dodges clawing at a mechanical leg.

"Yeah, please don't kill us" Liam adds on respectfully.

"Liam!" Isaac yelled as Liam nearly gets hit by a mechanical leg.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING?!!" Stiles yells as he pushes Lydia slightly behind him.

"You found it, you name it" Isaac replies.

"JEFFERSON STARSHIPS!" Stiles exclaims, wincing when Lydia slaps him over the head.

"This is not a time to fangirl over Supernatural!" She yelled as Stiles rubs the back of his head.

"But Jensen Ackles is awesome!" Stiles yells, flailing his arms everywhere.

"Stiles shut the hell up and help damn it!" Scott yelled at him

"Jeez, ok Mister Grumpy Pants" Stiles mumbles, getting another slap over the head before he goes back to swinging his bat wildly.

He hits the spider and it hisses at him.

"FUCK!" Stiles yells as gets hit with a mechanical leg, skidding across the floor and over to the wall.

"STILES!" Lydia yelled scared, rushing to him.

"What the hell is a Stiles?" Natasha asks.

"That idiot over there" Allison replies before going to check on him.

"Ow." He groaned sitting up.

Scott roared as he tackles the "Jefferson Starship" to the ground, (...I don't know how to continue)

Natasha stares at him in shock with a smirk.

Scott starts clawing at the thing repeatedly finally showing a weakness causing Allison to start shooting arrows in the claw marks. The Jefferson Starship starts making weird clunking noises as the mechanical part shuts down, finally killing it

After the spiders are dead, the wolves rush to Stiles checking on him.

"Dude, are you okay?" Scott asks his brother.

"Am I okay? YES THAT WAS AWESOME! WOO!" Stiles yells as he starts cheering and automatically wincing.

"You idiot, don't move, you're hurt" Lydia remarks.

"Yeah, so?" Stiles replied, not caring about himself as long as his family and pack are ok.

"Dude, are you blaming yourself again?" Liam askes crouching down next to him.

"No, not really, look we gotta go before the badass ladies interrogate us" Stiles adds in quickly, trying to steer the conversation away from him.

"Yeah, but this talk isn't over" Scott adds on before the pack runs out of the building, leaving a confused Maria and Natasha behind.

"What the hell was that?" Natasha asked, looking at Maria, who is still in shock at how a few teenagers were able to take down 3 giant spiders instead of the two highly trained agents.

"I don't know, but we're gonna find out. Let's head back to base." Maria replies, walking over to where the Quinjet.

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