Chapter 2: Identities and The Talk

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Back at S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters

Natasha and Maria walk inside still confused about what happened as Fury calls them up for mission debrief.

"Agent Romanoff. Agent Hill. Care to tell me what happened on a recon mission?"

Natasha shares a look with Maria unsure of how to answer.

"Well Sir, there were giant spiders with metal legs attacking us before a couple teenagers came in with weird facial features, battled them off and killed them, and then walked away." Natasha bluntly answers.

"Giant Spiders, metal legs and teenagers with weird facial features?" Fury hissed with a raised eyebrow

"Well that and they were making Supernatural references, this one guy got hurt more by this fiery strawberry blonde girl than he did against the spider and that was before he was thrown into a wall." Hill added.

"Plus, they called him Stiles. Like who the hell names their kid Stiles?" Natasha adds on.

"Find who they really are now, I want everything on them." Fury said with crossed arms.

The Next Day

"Ok, did you find anything on them?" Fury asks Natasha and Maria as they stand next to a projector.

"Yes, here are their names, Mieczylaw "Stiles" Stilinski, Scott McCall, Isaac Lahey, Lydia Martin, Allison Argent, and Liam Dunbar. They are all from a small town in California called Beacon Hills." Maria started.

"But they aren't just ordinary teenagers, no, they are some way a part of every crime there. Stilinski's father is the local Sheriff and most of their crime reports have at least one of their names on them." Natasha adds on.

"Find them and bring them in. Get Coulson to interrogate them." Fury ordered before walking away like the boss he is.

Back at the Pack House

"So, let's talk about it" Scott starts off.

"Talk about what?" Stiles asks, hoping they are not gonna talk about what he thinks they are gonna talk about.

"Stiles, you know what we're talking about." Lydia said

"Doesn't mean I can't try" Stiles mumbles.

"Yeah, your right but still it needs to be done." Allison said leaning against the counter with her crossbow next to her.

"Do you still believe it? That everything's your fault?" Scott asks.

"N-" Stiles starts but gets cut off.

"No, just sit there and listen ok?" Scott says firmly, wanting to get past the guilt ridden skull.

"Fine." He huffs.

"What's bothering you?" Scott asks.

"If I didn't drag you out, none of this would've happened. You wouldn't get bitten and none of us would be in this mess.All of these deaths were my fault, one mistake on my part and hundreds of lives were cost. The Kanima, Matt, the Sheriff's Station, plus don't forget about the Nogitsune where I nearl-"

"Shut up!" Lydia shouted, cutting Stiles off.

"How many times do we have to tell you that it wasn't your fault?! God damn, Stiles, for the last time it wasn't your fault, none of it!" She continued yelling and crying.

"And also, you really think that me getting bitten was your fault? If it wasn't me, someone else would get bit, someone who didn't have an awesome best friend to help them out and helped Peter since he was their Alpha. Ok? And, Peter wouldn't have stopped until everyone responsible was dead, ok? Derek would be dead because of the bullet to his arm when he was chasing the Alpha because you wouldn't be there keeping him alive. I get he's crazy now, but he wasn't then, ok? Kate would still be killed, but so would Allison because we all know she would be dragged into this by Kate, and Peter would still attack her. Lydia may not have been attacked but someone else  could've. I'm glad I got bit because you were there to keep me in line. If I hadn't met Allison, you would be my anchor because of how many times you've been there for me, ok?" Scott explains, tears running down his red puffy cheeks.

Stiles stares at Scott with tears in his eyes.

"Still it's my fault that Allison got stabbed and nearly died and that Aide---" Stiles started but Allison cuts him off now.

"Yes, I may have been stabbed but it was Void who ordered the Oni, not you. I don't care about a scar when it meant saving Isaac. None of this was your fault." She explains, tears spilling over the rim of her eyes as Stiles starts sobbing.

"Uh..." Liam started not sure what to do. He figures it out when all of them crowd Stiles and hug him and put him in the middle of a puppy pile. 

"Can I join?" He asks and then yelps as he's dragged in.

"Okay, can we watch a movie?" Stiles asks.

"Yeah, I can finally watch Star Wars," Scott says with a laugh.

"YES!" Stiles yells, jumping up in excitement and running off to find the movies, leaving a smiling and laughing pack behind.

But before he starts the movie, the wolves perk up, hearing heartbeats nearing the pack house.

"Guys, someone's coming" Isaac whispers.

"Wher-" Stiles starts before he finishes saying it, his eyes close and he falls down, revealing a dart in the back of his neck.

"STILES!" Scott shouts, but before he reaches, darts come flying out, hitting the pack and knocking them out.

"...not again..." Liam says before he finally gets knocked out.

He feels the phantom touch of being dragged before he falls into darkness.

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