Chapter 11: Training

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Stiles finds himself back at S.H.I.E.L.D. when Fury suggests they train, considering hiring them as agents.

Just as he is about to enter, Clint grabs Stiles' wrist, dragging him into another room.

"Wha-Clint!" Stiles yells as he looks around in the darkness.

Clint turns on the light, smiling at him, pulling him close to his chest.

"Clint, what are yo-" Stiles asks, but gets cut off.

Clint smashes his lips into his own.

Stiles melts into the kiss, his arms wrapping around Clint's neck as Clint grabs his hips, bringing them impossibly closer.

Their lips move in sync, both passionate.

As they kiss, Stiles' hands go down Clint's torso before slipping his hands under Clint's shirt, grabbing at his shoulder blades, making the kiss turn from passionate to messy.

Clint pushes him against the wall still kissing him making Stiles automatically lift his legs from where Clint's grabbing his thighs, and wrapping them around Clint's hips.

They get lost in feeling each other, so close but not close enough.

Before they can go further, they hear a noise outside, causing them to separate, breathless.

"Uh, not that that wasn't nice, but I'd rather not get fired before I even start" Stiles says, unravelling his legs from Clint's hips and keeping his forehead touching Clint's.

Clint kisses him on the forehead before pulling away quickly.

"You're right, better go get 'em Tiger, show them what you got" Clint says, slightly breathless.

"And please, I wouldn't let you get fired before you started. That just won't work well for me" Clint adds.

Stiles chuckles before opening the door and making his way to the gym where his trainer and the rest of the pack are.

He blushes when he enters and hears wolf whistles from his pack.

"Shut up, assholes." Stiles utters.

'We didn't even say anything!" Liam says.

"Yeah but your face did!" Stiles says as he stretches.

Clint walks in with swollen lips, still fixing his hair and shirt not making the situation any better.

"Woo! Nice" Erica says, as Stiles punches her shoulder slightly.

"Shut up." He hisses.

Clint smirks because he walked in on purpose after biting his lips making them redder and plumper.

Stiles glares at him, smirking before he walks closer and tugs his shirt, leaving a sloppy kiss on his lips before walking away.

Clint grumbles.

The pack laughs.

"Shut up." Clint grumbled before following after Stiles and stretching.

Erica looks at Lydia seeing the look that she has when she looks at Scott, smirks before beginning to plan out how to get those two together.

Fury walks up to the pack.

"Where are Barton and Stilinski?" He asks looking at the group.

"Right there Sir" Scott says, pointing to the ground where Stiles and Clint are on their backs laughing, not realizing that Fury came in.

"Stilinski! Barton! Get you asses up, it's time to train" Fury said

"Sorry sir!" Stiles said getting up, pulling Clint up with him.

Time Skip

Stiles groans, slumping against Scott.

"I hate this" He grumbles, sore.

"I'm sore in places I didn't know I could be sore in!" Stiles continues, ranting about the horrible training.

"Well you will be when I'm done with you." Clint said walking up to him, kissing the side of his head.

"Yeah I will." Stiles hummed

"Ew, gross!" Liam says, not wanting to know anything about it.

"What?! He's just gonna massage the knots out from my back!" Stiles huffs, not at all knowing what Clint really meant.

"Stiles, babe, that's not what I meant." Clint says, smiling at how innocent Stiles is when he doesn't understand something.

"What do you mean?" Stiles asks, genuinely confused.

"I mean sex" Clint whispers in his ear, making Stiles straighten his back.

"I don't put out until the third date, mister" Stiles says, poking a finger in Clint's chest.

"Guess we'll just have to work on that, won't we?" Clint says.

"Yeah." Stiles said, shifting again feeling his jeans getting tighter.

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