Chapter 9: Debrief

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S.H.I.E.L.D. Training Facility

It's been a week since Stiles was rescued and the overall consensus was that the pack would rest for a week before coming back to S.H.I.E.L.D. as they needed to come to an agreement.

Stiles walks into the SHIELD base, the rest of the pack behind him.

He bumps into Clint again, running his hand through his hair.

"We've gotta stop meeting like this," Clint says.

"Yeah," Stiles said laughing lightly.

"Com'on." Clint said, grabbing him by the wrist dragging him away leaving the pack behind and unlike Lydia and Allison, the pack looks at each other confused.

Lydia and Allison share a smirk before following Clint and Stiles.

The boys in the pack look at each confused but Kira, Malia, and Erica caught on to the smirks that Lydia and Allison sent each other and decided to see how long it would take for the boys to figure it out.

The boys are quiet for a minute before they share a look, groaning at their idiocy.

Erica, Kira, and Malia laugh walking away after the group.

By the time they caught up, Stiles and Clint were speaking to each but stopped when they saw the pack. Stiles blushed at their knowing gazes before clearing his throat.

"Ok, uh, Fury wants us in his office to talk about what happened." He said, nervously, not wanting to talk about the torture.

Seeing him so nervous, Clint grabbed his hand and linked their fingers together and gave him a small smile, one that Stiles returned.

Lydia smiles.

"Can you two just get together." Allison muttered under her breath, the wolves chuckling behind her as Stiles and Clint sent questioning looks.

"What was that?" Clint asked.

"Nothing, come on, don't want Fury to be furious" Liam says causing more chuckles.

"Liam you are the dumbest guy on the planet." Stiles said.

"What why?!" He asked innocently.

"You know what, nevermind, let's go" Stiles says, walking off with his fingers still interlaced with Clint's.

They enter the office and Stiles and Clint part to take a seat next to each other with Scott on the other side of Stiles.

Fury comes in and settles on the chair on the end of the table.

"So, tell me everything that happened from when you were kidnapped"

Stiles shifts nervously before biting his lip and nodding.

"I was just about to fall asleep when I heard something outside. I'm not sure why I didn't call for anyone but I grabbed my bat and left a note before heading off to check if there was someone outside. I got outside and looked around but it was dark. I got the feeling I was being watched and before I could turn around, something hit my head really hard and I blacked out."

Growls are heard as he continues,

"When I came to, I was tied to a chair with duct tape around my arms and legs. I was dressed down to my jeans. I looked around, trying-trying to find a way out when Derek came in..." Stiles gets lost in thought before he snaps out of it and continues, "He had this crazed look on his face. It-it was terrifying even if I didn't show him. He had glossy eyes, crazed hair, was wearing messed up clothes with wrinkles, and he was smirking."

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