Chapter 3: Interrogation

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When Stiles wakes, he's tied to a metal chair with chains. He groans before looking around and taking note of his surroundings. The room he is in is gray, there is a two-way mirror. He hears footsteps, groans, and lifts his head slowly, blinking away the blurriness in his eyes, before taking in a macho looking guy with balding hair, and an expensive look suit.

"Dude, how much did that shit cost? I can barely afford my clothes and here you are, fancy suit and all."

There is a deep chuckle from outside.

"So what's your name?" Stiles asks.

"..." He continues after getting no answer.

"...Bond? James Bond? Cuz this is some James Bond shit."

Still no answer.

"Still nothing?"


"Damn, come on, interrogation is a two way street, you ask questions, I answer non-related answers. At the most, you ask questions and I don't answer but come on, it's not supposed to be like this. The person that gets kidnapped should not be the one who speaks the most and asks the questions. Hell I shouldn't be telling my kidnapper how to interrogate someone..." Stiles rambles.

"I have a feeling that's just who you are Mr. Stilinski" The macho man finally says.

"Don't, it's Stiles dude, Mr. Stilinski is my dad and I'm not enough yet to be called Mister"

There is another chuckle followed by a loud laugh from behind the two way mirror. Huh, so not so soundproof after all.

"So this room isn't so soundproof is it?"

"Clearly not" Is the gruff response.

"Huh, so you have some fun in you after all" Stiles says smirking.

There is a knock on the door and a tall black dude with an eyepatch walks in.

"Woah, are you a pirate?" Stiles asks dumbly before shutting his mouth.

More laughs are heard.

The man glares.

Stiles gulps cuz that dude is one scary looking fellow.

"Not so talkative anymore are you?"

"Do you want me to talk? Cuz I will talk and it-"


"I knew a guy who only spoke in a few words. He's crazy now."


"Why is he crazy? I don't know, why don't you ask him?" Is his reply. Really Stiles, don't rile him up you idiot. Great, I'm talking to myself now. Maybe I'm going crazy.

The man with eyepatch glares harder.


"Why what? Ok, you need to have words with more than one syllable so I can actually answer your question. For all I know you could be asking, Why are you an idiot? Why am I even here when I could be home in my pjs? Why did global warming start? You gotta be specific man." Stiles gulps in air, having run out after his rant.

"Why. Is. This. Man. Crazy?" The man growled

"Why are we talking about him anyway? It was just a side remark dude."

"Don't call me dude"

"He said that too..."

"I do not care, you tell me why he is crazy or I will..."

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