Chapter 8: Explanation

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S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters: Fury's Office

Stiles is pacing in the back.

"Can someone explain to me what the hell happened to me?" Stiles asks no one in particular.

"We don't know," Malia said bluntly.

"Malia, he just found out his eyes---" Kira started but looks at Stiles seeing his eyes are red along with Scott since they connected like brothers.

"Yeah, and why can't I change my eyes back?" Scott asks.

Stiles and Scott share a look before saying, "Deaton" at the same time.

"Deaton what?" Kira asks.

"He should know, right? I mean, he knows everything" Stiles explains.

"Who is this Deaton?" Natasha asks.

"Vet. Druid. Scott's old boss." Stiles explains with flailing arms, nearly hitting Scott in the face.

"Dude, my face!" Scott yelled and Clint chokes back a laugh.

"...sorry not sorry..." Stiles says with a sheepish smile.

"Call Deaton," Isaac tells Scott.

"Yeah, gimme a sec" Scott mumbles as he takes out his phone.

"Scott, what do you need?" Deaton asks, skipping small talk.

"Hello to you too" Stiles mumbles as Scott starts explaining what happened.

"Is there anything else?"

"Yeah my eyes are the same color as Scott's when they glow" Stiles shouts into the phone.

"No need to shout, did Stiles display a shocking amount of superstrength?"

"Yeah he lifted Liam right off the floor with only one hand" Isaac explained.

"Okay, now guys think about it, who is Stiles closest to out of you all besides Lydia?"

"Scott," Liam says confidently.

"Yeah, they are brothers, Scott, you've said this before, if you hadn't met Allison, Stiles would be your anchor."

"How do you know about that? And what does that have to do with anything?" Stiles asked.

"You two are connected because of how close you two are." Deaton said not answering the first question

"Okay...? And?" Stiles continues, getting impatient.

"What Deaton is trying to say is that your eyes glow red like Scott's and have strength like the wolves because of your connection." Lydia said annoyed.

"Oh, ok. But what am I?" Stiles asks eagerly.

"Deaton." Scott asks, also eager.

"Remember when I said you had to be the Spark? It wasn't metaphorical. Stiles, you are a Spark."

"Son of a bitch!" Stiles exclaimed as he starts walking away, his eyes going back to his normal honey brown.

"Wait! Stiles." Clint said, getting the packs' attention.

"What?" Stiles said looking at him.

"You can't just walk out of a hospital room after being brought in for being tortured." Clint explained, trying his best to bring Stiles back in the room.

"Clint, I'm fine." Stiles said and stares at Clint for a second before shaking his head turning around starting to walk away.

Scott chases after him.

Stiles heads for the cafeteria to get something to eat with Scott following.

Sitting down after grabbing something to eat, Stiles chews as he takes in everything that's happened. He was tortured by a crazed Derek who managed to get away, found out he had a tether to Scott, figured out his crush on Clint, came out to Lydia and Allison, has glowing red eyes, super strength, and is a Spark, which means he has an unlimited amount of magic.

"Stiles?" Scott asked sitting down, looking at his best friend with a sigh.

"What?" Stiles asked, tired and weary of everything going on.

"You sure you're okay?" Scott asked, biting his lip worried.

"You gonna believe me if I said I was fine?" Stiles asked, raising his eyebrows.

"No." Scott said, shaking his head.

"Then why are you asking?" Stiles asked.

Scott shrugs unsure of how to respond but says, "Common decency, but really, what's causing that little frown on your face?"

"It's just weird, one bite and look at all the fucking drama, death, and destruction that came with it" Stiles said, solemnly.

"We found a new family though," Scott said.

"Yeah but only at the cost of our old one" Stiles says, tears in eyes as he never talks about his father unless it's the anniversary of his death.

Scott chokes on the tightness in his throat.

"Yeah" Scott agrees.

Scott takes a breath before pulling him into a bone crushing hug.

"It's weird, we never really hug like this until we're going through some shit" Stiles says with a small laugh.

"Yeah.." Scott starts, "But come on, let's go back, wouldn't want the hospital staff to learn about the supernatural now do we?"

"Yeah, let's go." Stiles said just as Clint walks into the room bumping into Stiles more than Scott.

Stiles turns red looking down.

"Alright, come on, you've discharged into the account that you'll be in the medical facility in S.H.I.E.L.D." Clint said, leading them back to the room.

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