Chapter 10: Threats and Promises

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The two men walk out of the room where Allison grabs Clint by the arm as Kira drags Stiles away. Malia, Erica Lydia and Allison drag Clint away.

Clint gulps as he looks around the room he was dragged into. The girls are all staring at him with crossed arms and raised eyebrows.

Malia has her eyes glowing steel blue, Erica's golden eyes swirling with fangs popping out from beneath her lips, Allison has a dagger in each hand and Lydia has a gun that she got out from her thigh holsters that's hidden beneath her dress.

"Can we please not kill me?" Clint asked nervously as he takes in all the weapons.

"Oh we're not gonna kill you" Lydia says.

"Yet" Malia adds on.

"We're just gonna make sure you know something real important" Allison says, staring at him dead in the eyes.

"What does she mean by yet and if I hurt him I will personally hand myself to you with no question." Clint said.

"It means that when you hurt Stiles, you are a dead man walking, the last relationship that went wrong, the guy went missing and was never found." Malia says, not at all sugarcoating.

"When? Do you really think I would hurt him" Clint asks with slight tears in his eyes as he blinks, not letting them fall.

"No, not yet, but you have the key to break his heart, and if you do, you will go missing too" Erica threatens.

Clint lets out a shaky breath, nodding as his eyes show emotions that have never been in his eyes.

"I won't hurt him, not intentionally but even if I do, I will make it up to him or I will hand myself over to you freely"

"Good, now let's head back before Stiles thinks we killed you" Lydia says with a smile before strutting out the door.

"Huh, she's gonna get along with Nat very well." Clint mutters, shivering at what they would bring upon them once they inevitably meet.

"Clint?" Stiles said from the otherside of the door. His head peaks from the crack in the door before smiling and walking in.

"They didn't scare you away did they?" Stiles asks, smirking.

"Please, as if anything could drive me away from you in the first place" Clint responds, tugging Stiles closer by the hips, leaning in for an innocent kiss.

"Agh! My eyes! NO! My eyes!" Liam yells like a child seeing their parents kiss.

"SHUT UP LIAM!" Stiles yells, laughing before walking out, holding hands with Clint.

"But Stiles, you're like a dad to me more than mine ever was." Liam said

"Aww, you're gonna make me cry" Stiles says, wiping away a non-existing tear from his cheek.

"No, I'm being serious Stiles, how many times have you gotten me out of trouble? Or put me in my place when needed?"

"Huh, I guess you are my little pup," Stiles says.

"DON'T CALL ME THAT DAD!" Liam yells, voice sarcastic.

"AHHH! I'M TOO YOUNG TO BE A FATHER!" Stiles shouts, dragging a laughing Clint with him.

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