Chapter 14: Being a Spark and a Werewolf

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Stiles rolls over in his bed opening his eyes, squinting in the morning sun.

"Off. Turn it off." Stiles grumbles.

Clint chuckles as he closes the blinds.

"Don't laugh at me," Stiles growled, playfully standing up and walking to his dresser.

"That was a pretty impressive growl," Clint said.

"What?" Stiles asked, whipping his head around.

"Yeah, you werewolf growled." Clint said

"Fuck no. Scott!" Stiles yelled.

"Yes, dear" Scott said playfully.

"Now is not the time." Stiles growled his eyes glowing red.

"Oh shit." Scott gulped.

"Now what are we supposed to do?!" Stiles said, panting, feeling his heartbeat skyrocket.

"You need to calm down, remember? Find your anchor." Scott instructed.

"Should I leave?" Clint asked, placing his hand on Stiles' shoulder.

Stiles' shoulders relax at the sound of his voice and his touch.

"Damn, that was quick" Scott mumbled.

Stiles shot him a smug smile.

"What? You found your anchor pretty quick, and I'm the one who taught you how to be a werewolf." Stiles said with a laugh, before freezing.

"Shit." He whispered.

"What?" Clint asked, looking between the two of them.

"He's a werewolf"

'I'm a werewolf"

Scott and Stiles said at the same time.

Stiles passes out.

"Shit." Scott muttered, pulling Stiles up and getting him onto the bed before walking over to the window leaning against it.

"When did you get here?" Scott asked Isaac who is behind him.

"Just in time to see Stiles pass out" He responded.

"Why did he pass out anyway?" Liam asked from the doorway.

"Stiles is a werewolf," Scott stated.

"You bit him?" Allison asked.

"No, he just woke up as one," Clint said.

"What? That doesn't make any sense." Erica said as she walks into the room.

"Okay, what is with you werewolves and showing up out of nowhere." Clint said annoyed.

"Should we crawl instead?" Erica shot back.

"No thanks, you'll give me a heart attack" Clint responded.

"You're not allowed to have a heart attack" Stiles mumbled as he rose into a seated position.

"Hey Stiles, how you feeling?" Isaac asked

"Like shit," was the response.

"Yeah, you'll feel like that for a day or two and then you're a complete badass." Isaac said and gets a look from everyone including Clint.

"What he means is that it's just your body adjusting to a transformation" Scott added.

"Did this happen to you guys?" Stiles asked standing up before swaying side to side for a minute before regaining his balance.

"Yeah" Everyone but Malia said

Stiles stretches the cuts and burns made by Derek slowly fading.

"Woah" Clint said, looking at where was once multiple cuts, clear skin.

"Huh, I guess the clawed marks don't fade," Stiles said.

"But why?" Liam asks.

"Because they were made by an alpha" Scott says, remembering what Derek taught him before he went crazy.

Stiles flinches at the reminder of how Derek clawed his body.

"Shit dad, I'm sorry." Liam said, accidentally calling Stiles dad because of how much of a dad that Stiles has been to the young man.

"What?" Stiles says, head shooting up.

"What? I said shit?" Liam said, confused.

"No, you just called him dad," Scott told him.

"Uh..." Liam said before turning around and rushing downstairs and outside.

Clint just looks around confused before sighing and taking a seat.

Stiles chases after the young beta.

"Liam!" He yelled, "Wait, hold up!"

"What? Why aren't you embarrassed that a-a kid just called you dad when you're only 18?!" Liam asked, voice cracking as his eyes watered.

"Because believe it or not, I kinda see you as my---uh..." Stiles started but trails off, not sure how to continue.

"See me as your what?" Liam whispered, a tear sliding down his cheek.

"God damn it, just come here" Stiles says before bringing Liam into a hug.

"I see you as my son." Stiles added, making a large smile appear on Liam's face before he is being crushed by how hard Liam is hugging him.

"Liam, bud, we may be the same supernatural creature, but I still gotta be able to breathe." Stiles says breathlessly.

"Oh" Liam says, shifting slightly.

"You can call me that if you want too." Stiles said, before adding on, "Hey I can even adopt you and you will become Liam Stilinski"

Liam grins and nods.

"Yeah, I like the sound of that."

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