Chapter 12: Date Night & Well...You know

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Clint was waiting outside the pack house, flowers in one hand, chocolates in the other. He was nervous, hoping Stiles would like it and not take it as him thinking of him as a girl. All of the nervousness went away when the door opened, revealing Stiles with the brightest smile on his face. He is wearing casual clothes that fit his slim body nicely, framing his muscles and making his eyes pop out.

Clint takes a breath, shaking his head before smiling at him.

Stiles smiles back and comes out, closing the door and running towards him and stopping right before they collide.

"Are these for me?" Stiles asks, eyes taking in the flowers and chocolates.

"Yeah." Clint said, running a hand through his short hair.

"Thanks, they're beautiful, I'm gonna take it inside and put them in some water and then we can go on our date." Stiles says as he grabs the flowers and heads inside, putting them in a vase, before walking out.

Clint opens the passenger side door, closing it when Stiles slips in and goes into the driver's seat.

"Wow, such a gentleman" Stiles teases, pleased.

"Only for you babe" Clint winks before starting the car. He drives out to the best diner in New York, knowing Stiles doesn't like fancy places.

Clint takes a breath, hoping a casual date would be good.

"Oh my god, yes!" Stiles yells, excited in trying out what looks to be the best place for burgers and fries.

Clint smiles and parks the car and opens the door for Stiles.

They walk in the diner, hand in hand, and are taken to a nice little corner booth.

Stiles looks around, seeing a couple glaring at them. He shrinks in his seat but chooses to ignore them.

Clint grins grabbing his hands and steering his eyes away from the sneering couple.

"Just ignore them, a lot of people accept homosexuals, there are very few who don't" Clint explains just as the waiter comes up to them.

"Okay" Stiles says as he smiles.

"Hello, welcome to Happy's Diner, are you ready to order?" The waiter asks politely.

"I'd like a double stack burger with curly fries and a chocolate milkshake please" Stiles says.

"I'll take the same but a vanilla milkshake instead," Clint says, smiling.

"Ok, it'll be ready in just a few minutes" The waiter says before walking away.

The date was going smooth, smiles and laughs were shared. Clint was about to pay the bill when he saw Stiles slump down on himself. He was about to ask what was wrong when he heard them,

"Stupid fags" A female said and Stiles keeps curling into himself.

"This shit should still be illegal" At this, Clint is about to get up when Stiles grabs his arm.

"Don't just, you're right, let's ignore them and just pay the bill so we can get out of here" Stiles says.

Clint nods, not liking it but nods anyways and pays for the food.

They walk out, not noticing a couple following them until one of them yells, "HEY FAGGOTS!".

Stiles looks down, closing his eyes, not letting tears fall.

"HEY I'M TALKING TO YOU!" The guy yells.

Clint grips Stiles' hand and they keep walking.

Clint sees the guy about to punch Stiles and grabs his arm, stopping it before it connects with Stiles' face. He was just about to put in his own punches when another couple walk up.

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