Chapter 15: Learning Control

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The two walk back inside where the rest of the pack and Clint are standing.

"So...?" Clint asks.

"What?" Liam and Stiles said innocently.

"So... he means what now?" Lydia adds on when no one else says it.

"Uh, I may or may not be adopting Liam if you're okay with that." Stiles said, shuffling his feet nervously before looking at the group.

"AWESOME!" Scott yelled as he started cheering.

"DUDE, STILL GETTING USED TO THE SUPER HEARING!" Stiles yelled, clutching his ears.

"Oops, sorry bro" Scott said.

Stiles shakes his head making the ringing stop.

"Ugh, it's fine, I need to learn control before I go back to S.H.I.E.L.D." Stiles grumbles, walking through the door and flopping on his bed.

"Yeah, and we're gonna help you." Scott said.

Stiles huffs as Liam lays next to him with his hands behind his head.

After Control Training

"At least I didn't need to get pelted with lacrosse balls" Stiles says, remembering how he trained Scott.

Scott rolls his eyes.

"Whatever. It's only because you know what's happening to you." Scott said with a huff crossing his arms.

"Ah yes, ignorance is bliss," Stiles says, " but still, it's not as hard as I thought it would be."

"So, what do you think is gonna happen when you officially adopt Liam?" Isaac said

"Nothing much, just another Stilinski added to the mix, maybe some arguments from his step parents, but knowing me they should know I don't like to lose" Stiles explains.

"No shit, once you lost a game of chess against Jackson and pranked him for a week" Scott says, smiling at the memory.

"What?! He deserved it!" Stiles pouted.

"I'm sure he did dad." Liam said from his spot on the bed.

"See? Liam agrees!" Stiles says loudly.

"He's your son, he's gonna agree with you for a lot of things" Scott tells him.

"No, he's agreeing with me because I'm always right," Stiles shoots back.

Liam laughs before looking at Clint.

"Hey is it ok, if I uh... if I call you dad too?" He asked quickly and nervously.

Clint looks at him shocked.

"I mean, I won't if you don't want me to." Laim says quickly when Clint doesn't reply.

"No-I mean, are you sure?" Clint asks.

Liam nods repeatedly.

"I-yeah, I guess you could call me dad" Clint smiles at him.

Stiles looks at the two of them beaming.

"Okay, who wants to eat, cause I'm fuckin' starving." Stiles says before walking out the room and into the kitchen.

Liam follows after him sitting on the counter talking to Stiles.

Clint chuckles, wondering how he got dragged into this weird family.

"What's so funny?" Scott asked from next to him.

"Nothing," Clint replies, walking to throw his arm over Stiles' shoulder, who smiles up at him before continuing to talk to Liam.

"Dad what are you gonna make?" Liam asked looking at Stiles.

"Food." is the reply before Stiles ushers them out the kitchen.

Liam huffs as he sits down on the couch next to Clint, who chuckles.

"Nothing gets past Stiles and his kitchen" Scott says before taking a seat on the other side of Liam.

"I know." Clint says, remembering when Stiles pushed him out the kitchen with a knife in hand.

"Did he push you out of the kitchen with a knife in his hand?" Scott asked.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" Clint replies.

"He does that to everyone, he stabbed me in the hand knowing it would heal anyway when I tried to taste something" Scott explained, wincing at the reminder.

"He actually stabbed you?!" Clint said, shocked.

"He only does that to the wolves, if you do that you'd probably just get cock-blocked" Liam says before wincing, not wanting to know anything about his parents sex life.

"LIAM STILINSKI!" Stiles yells from the kitchen.

"SORRY DAD!" Liam says before adding on, mumbling to himself, "Maybe I should call you mom instead"

"Maybe, you should call him that because he acts like a mother to all of us." Isaac said.

"Ha ha, Pack Mom" Scott chuckles.

"Whatever." Stiles said walking into the room holding a fork that has a piece of food on it.

"Alright, I need a taste tester." He said, coming up to them.

"Oooh ME!" Liam yelled.

Stiles grins and shakes his head handing him the fork.

Liam takes a bite before eating the rest of it.

"That was delicious." He said smiling.

"Glad you like it." Stiles said, taking the fork back and walking to the kitchen to finish making dinner.

"So, now that Stiles has full control over his shift until the full moon, should we train with his magic?" Lydia asks.

"That's up to Mom." Liam responded.

"When did he go from Dad to Mom?" Allison teased.

"Shit." Liam mumbled, embarrassed.

"About the same time he threatened me with a knife for entering the kitchen" Clint added.

"Dad, Mom did not threaten you out of the kitchen with a knife, okay? He simply pointed a knife at you as he pushed you out the kitchen" Liam explained.

"Isn't that like the same thing?" Isaac asked.

"No." Liam said, shaking his head.

"How?" Isaac asked, interested in knowing the way Stiles threatens someone.

"He only pointed the knife at Dad and used his hand to push him out, if Mom was threatening with the knife, the knife would be pushing him out" Liam explains.

"Ah, weirdly that makes sense" Isaac mutters before taking a seat.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2021 ⏰

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