Chapter 13: Talks With The Girls & Squeals

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Stiles is on his bed taking his shirt off, about to change it when there is a knock on the door.

He goes to open it but gets pushed in when the girls barge in.

"Oof" Stiles grunts as he nearly face plants.

"What are you guys doing?" He asked grabbing a shirt about to pull it on when Erica starts talking.

"We are going to talk about your first date with Clint" She says before getting comfy on his bed.

"No we are not." He said pulling the shirt on as his eyes start to glow from the annoyance that he is feeling since he knows the girls aren't gonna leave him alone.

"Stiles! Chill out bro!" Scott yelled from downstairs.

Stiles shakes his head, his eye reverting back to their golden brown.

"So, how'd it go?" Kira asked with a giant excited smile.

"Ugh, the date was awesome, even more when a homphobic guy got arrested cuz' he tried to punch me, and then Clint took me to his house where we fell asleep" Stiles grunts when Lydia punches his arm, not so lightly.

"Details, Stiles, details, you didn't get those hickeys by just sleeping" She commands.

"Fine." Stiles grumbled.

"Do you wanna know all of it?" He asked.

"Duh," Allison said.

"Ugh fine." Stiles grumbled.

"So, what happened?" Erica asked, bouncing happily on the bed.

"Well he was driving me home when I noticed he missed a turn, I asked him and he said that we were gonna go to his house..." Stiles explains everything, not leaving anything out, making the girls very happy.

Lydia is the first one to squeal, the rest of them following soon after.

"Why are you guys so loud!" Stiles yelled his ears ringing.

"Stiles, what are you talking about?" Kira asks, confused.

"You don't hear that?!" Stiles yells, unable to control his voice over the constant buzzing in his skull.

"No." The girls without super hearing said while Erica nods.

"Yes." She said before covering her ears as Stiles does the same.

They hear tumbling and they look to see the other guys covering their ears as they make their way into the room.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?" Isaac yells over the loud buzzing.

"I DON'T KNOW!" Stiles yells back.

"STILES, CALM DOWN! YOU"RE FORECASTING IT THROUGH OUR ALPHA BOND!" Scott screams as Stiles tries to his best to calm down.

Once he does, he sheepishly says, "Sorry".

"But seriously, what the hell was that?" Stiles asked.

"I think your enhanced hearing decided to pay a visit and your Spark broadcasted what you were hearing through the pack bonds." Scott explained as he tried to get over the ringing in his ears.

"Wonderful." Stiles muttered sarcastically, rubbing his head in pain.

The Next Day

Stiles makes his way over to Clint who just entered the training facility and sticks his nose in Clint's neck, having his enhanced senses coming in that same morning, which was not a very fun experience.

"Babe, what's going on?" Clint asked, worried.

"Ugh, my senses are all over the place" Stiles groans, tucking his head further and wrapping his limbs around Clint like an octopus.

"Huh? Scott explain this for me."

"Yesterday his enhanced hearing came in yesterday and his enhanced smelling came in this morning. He's been grumpy all day" Scott explained.

Clint chuckles unwrapping Stiles sitting him down on a chair looking at Scott.

"Oh okay, that's how that works." He said.

"Yeah, training is gonna be a bitch" Stiles complained.

After training

"Woo! I feel AWESOME!" Stiles says, jumping on his feet over excitement.

"Yeah, I bet you do." Isaac groaned, rubbing his shoulder that Stiles pummeled.

"HEY! It's not my fault my strength kicked in during training! And, would you look at that, I have better stamina than werewolves" Stiles says, still excited.

Scott shakes his head laughing at his best friend.

"My back still hurts from when you slammed me to the ground man, that sucked." Liam grumbled

"Ooh, I see a fly" Stiles says out of nowhere.

"Stiles, there is no fly" Lydia says, cautiously.

"Yes there is! Right there!" Stiles points to over 100 feet over.

"I guess his enhanced sight just kicked in," Scott mumbled.

"Is it always so dusty? Ugh gross" Stiles complained as walked over to the locker room to change out of his training clothes.

"Oh god." Scott said

"It smells awful, god, how do you do this?" Stiles asks the wolves, voice high-pitched due to him pinching his nose.

Scott and the pack snicker.

"We ignore it." Isaac said before walking out the room.

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