Chapter 5: Derek Fucking Hale

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S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters: Fury's Office

Natasha is in the room sitting across from Fury with Clint next to her.

"So, Stilinski sure is someone, he's got spunk" She comments

"No shit, he was threatening both you and Hill" Clint tells her.

"To be fair, we threatened him first with his friends" Natasha adds on, weirdly defensive of the teen.

"Huh, so he's the protective type" Clint murmurs.

"Yeah, and it seems that he's a bit like you in a way." Natasha said

"Anyway, what did you get from the interrogation?" Fury asks.

"He talks a lot, get's defensive, very protective, one scary motherfucker" Natasha says.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Clint asks, confused on how the stuttering teen could be scary.

Natasha sighs looking down.

"I mean, when Fury threatened his friends, or pack, he looked him dead in the eye, voice cold, and threatened to rip out his heart, and I know the usual tells for lies, he had none during that threat" Natasha explained.

"Oh damn." Clint said, impressed.

"Yeah, actually scared the shit outta me." Fury admitted.

"Really? He scared you?" Clint asks.

"Yes." Fury said looking at him dead in the eye.

"So he really is deadly and scary then" Clint said smirking to himself.

At The Pack House, after shopping

Stiles groans as he flops on the couch, legs and feet tired from shopping.

"Ughhh, I'm never going shopping again" Stiles groans.

"Com'on Stiles you had fun, don't fight me on this." Lydia said knowing that she's right.

"Ok, next time bring one of the wolves so they can carry me" Stiles says.

Lydia and Allison laugh.

"Wanna talk about Clin---"Lydia starts but Stiles stops her.

"Shh!" He said as Scott and Liam walk by looking at him confused.

"What's up girls and Stiles?" Liam asks as he removes Stiles' feet from the couch and places them on his lap.

"Nothing!" Stiles said, wincing at how quickly he said it.

"...right..." Scott says sarcastically before laying down on top of Stiles.

"PUPPY PILE!" The girls scream, alerting Isaac as they all pile on the 3 person couch.

"Okay, get off." Stiles said shoving Scott off of him along with the others.

"Ouch, I'm hurt" Scott mutters while smiling.

"WHAT WHERE?!" Stiles yells as he checks Scott over for injuries.

"And there's Mama Stiles," Scott says cheekily.

"Shut up asshole." Stiles grumbles, staring at the wall with a small glare.

"Anyways, let's watch Star Wars, we were interrupted last time" Stiles says, getting up to put the movie on.

"We can talk about it upstairs later." Lydia says and Stiles huffs knowing that she's talking about Clint.

They all snuggle with blankets and pillow forts before playing the movie.

After watching Star Wars, Stiles is slowly falling asleep when he hears something outside. Being the idiot he is, he writes a note before taking off outside with his mighty bat.

"Who's there?" He whispers, slightly scared considering how dark it is.

No answer.

He waits before turning around and heading back inside, feeling uneasy. Just as he reaches the door, something hard hits him in the head, knocking him out instantly.

The street light shines on a man holding a wooden plank, revealing a crazed Derek Hale.

"Finally, mine for the taking." Derek says, his voice sounding crazy before he drags Stiles away.

Next Morning

The pack wakes up, stretching looking around for Stiles. When they don't find him they look around.

"Guys! Look!" Lydia yells. She reveals a note posted to the fridge.

Something outside, went to check it out. -Stiles

"Oh fuck, FUCK!" Scott yells, "Everybody, look for Stiles, Isaac and Liam, you guys look outside, catch a scent, Allison and Lydia, check the security cameras".

"What are you gonna do?" Allison asks, afraid for Stiles.

"I'm gonna call the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Lydia asks.

"YES! They are highly trained agents, I don't care what secrets we expose, we are getting Stiles back, ASAP!" Scott yells, losing control at the thought of Stiles kidnapped.

Lydia jumps when he yells.

"SCOTT!" Isaac yells, running in the house teary eyed.

"We caught a scent, it's Derek, he took Stiles" Liam says, furious with wet rimmed eyes.

"Why can't he leave us alone?" Allison asks, a tear falling down her face.

"Because he is obsessed with him, ok, it's another Matt, except he has super strength, knows all of our weaknesses, and knows exactly what he wants, and that's Stiles" Lydia says, teary eyed but nonetheless shaking with rage.

"Scott, call them." Allison says before grabbing her bow and storming out of the house.

"This is Nick Fury"

"Fury, this is Scott McCall, you kidnapped us yesterday and we need a favor"

"Why would we do that?"

"Because Derek fucking Hale just kidnapped Stiles and we have no idea what he's planning" 

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