Chapter 11

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I wake up cold... And on the floor.
When I get up I feel a sharp pain in my head. I walk to the kitchen quietly since Theo is still asleep. I got up and fixed waffles, my homemade waffles if course. When my phone started ringing.
"Hello?" I say
"Hey it's Ansel! You miss me babe?" I laughed.
"Oh of course my one and only." I laugh harder.
"Hey, so are you and Theo 'official'" he asked.
"Yes, why?" I questioned.
"Well I have a date tonight, and I don't wanna go alone, so I thought double date!" He squealed.
"Um ok, I'll bring it up with Theo. why are you afraid to go?" I ask.
"Well I really like her and I'm terrified I'm going to fuck everything up." I've heard Ansel cuss before but it's been awhile.
"Ok yeah. I'll text you later and tell you what Theo says. What time? And where!" I ask.
"Um 7:30 at the mirggo grande"
"Oh ok. Yeah I will ask Theo. Bye Ansel." I say.
"Bye hunny, thanks!" he says as I hang up.

I smelt something burning. Oh crap! My waffles. I hurry and move the pan of the stove and put it under cold water. This will help reduce the smell and the smoke, but now we have no breakfast.
"Hey babe, what happened?" Theo said walking in the kitchen with just his boxers.
"I was on the phone and I forgot about the waffles. I'm sorry. We have no breakfast now. I'm an idiot." I say burying my face in my hands.
"No, you're not. It's ok. Don't worry about it. We can eat cereal." he says embracing me in a hug.
"Ok, I really am sorry." I say.

I decide not to eat so I walk into the living room and put on The maze runner. Theo came in and sat next to me.
"Hey Theo, what are you doing tonight?" I say.
"I'm doing absolutely nothing at all." he said laughing
"Good! Cause we are going in a double date with Ansel!" I say.
"Okay but why? We could just stay home and have some real fun." he said winking.
"No we are not doing that Theo. Not tonight. Ansel really likes this girl and he's scared so he wants us to be there." I say.
"Ok, when and where?." He says taking another bite of his fruit loops
"It's at 7:30 at the mirggo grande." I say stealing a bite of his fruit loops.
"Hey, what! My food. Anyways that sounds fun. What time is it now?" He says hiding his bowl of fruit loops from me.
"It's 12, we slept till 11. We lazy." I laughed.
"Okay." he says eating the last bit of fruit loops. I'm going to be a jerk to him.
"Theo, can I have some of that milk?" I ask.
"Yes, you can." He says. I get a big drink and keep it in my mouth. I kiss him and just when he asks for an entrance I spit my milk in his mouth. That's what he gets for not sharing.
He swallows the milk.
"Hey your nasty! I'm never kissing you again!" He says.
"Fine, next time share your food." I say.
He picks me up and starts running.
"You better put me down Theo James!" I half yell half laugh.
"Nope, you spit milk in my mouth. you've been a bad girl." he says throwing me on the bed.
"Theo." He looks at me.
"What." he pouts.
"We are not having sex." I say.
"Fine, can we at least kiss." he said batting his eyes like a girl.
"Yes but you need to stop batting your eyes like that, it makes me think I'm talking to a girl." I say laughing.
He kisses me, hard like extremely hard. He bites my lip asking for an entrance. I give it to him because I'm not a complete ass. We just stay there, making out, for ever. Once we break apart we lay on the bed. I cuddle up next to him. I started to fall asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.

Emily's dream

I'm walking down the street on my way to work when I see Theo. I wave at him but he doesn't wave back. Instead he grabs the closets girl to him and kisses her. I run home. When I open the door he is on the couch "doing it" with the girl. I try to escape but where ever I go he is there with her. He looks at me and says,
"Who could ever love you, not even someone who is blind and deaf." I cry.
"I hate you Theo James! Never talk to me again!" I yell.


I kissed Emily hard. I waited for an entrance. We laid in her bed making out for forever. She ended up falling asleep on me. I fell asleep too.

Theos dream

I awaken to the sweet smell of pancakes, but I'm not at home or at Emilys. I walk down stairs to see I'm at Ruth's my ex's house.
"What am I doing here?" I ask.
Ruth doesn't say anything. She just walks up to me and kisses me. I here the door open. It's Emily.
"You ass! How could you! I thought you loved me! Why? Why would you do this? Don't ever talk to me again Theo!" She yells running out the door. I run out to stop her. She is in the middle of the road. A car is coming, she doesn't move. The car doesn't stop until... it hits her.

I wake up. What the hell? That was the worst dream I've had in forever, I must really love Emily. I hear Emily crying in her sleep.
"Emily, wake up." I lightly shake her.
"I hate you Theo James! Never talk to me again!" I hear her yell in her sleep. is she dreaming about me?
"Emily wake up." I say once more.
She finally wakes up.
"Sorry Theo." she says.
"Sorry for what?" I ask.
"Nevermind" she says, "what time is it?"
"It's 5, why?" I ask.
"Our double date is at 7! Theo you have to go home and get dressed!" She yells.
"Okay okay, I'm going." I say walking out of the bed room and to my car.


I wake up to Theo shaking me, well not really.
Sorry Theo." I say.
"Sorry for what?" He asks.
"Nevermind" I say, "what time is it?"
"It's 5, why?" He asks.
"Our double date is at 7! Theo you have to go home and get dressed!" I yell.
"Okay okay, I'm going." He says walking out of the bed room and to his car.
Mirrago Grande is a really fancy place. I decide to hop in the shower. Once
I'm out I blow dry and curl my hair. I put on my makeup and grab my black dress, the same one I wore to Theos party. once I'm finished it's 6:30, then I hear a knock on the door. I run downstairs with everything and open the door.
"Ready to go?" Theo asks.
"Yes." I say climbing into his car.

When we get to Mirrago Grande, I immediately find Ansel and his date.
"Hey guys!" Ansel says
"Hey." Theo and I say.
"So who is your lovely date?" I ask.
I think I've seen her before, but where
"This is Kylee banks." he says smiling.
"Omg! No way! Kylee?"
"Yes! Emily?" She says, "as in my highschool best friend Emily?" She asks.
"Yes! I've missed you! I can't believe your Ansels date!" I say embracing her in a hug!
"Well I can't believe it either! I also can't believe your dating THEO JAMES. Your just as lucky as me."
She laughs. I wink at Ansel
"You've picked a good one." I say.
"Trust me Kylee, dating Theo isn't all fun and games" I say, "okay maybe it is." Theo looked at me and laughed.
"Guys wanna know what this little jerk did to me this morning?" Theo said looking at me. Oh god.
"Yeah." Ansel said.
"She asked for some of my milk from my cereal bowl and I said yes. Then she kissed me and spit it in my mouth!" He looked at me again.
"Ew" Ansel and Kylee say.
"Maybe if someone would share their fruit loops, we would have had to go through that." I said squinting at Theo. He's such a jerk sometimes.

The rest of the date was great. Theo and I had fun. Ansel and Kylee definitely like each other. I have a feeling she's gonna be around a lot more. When we are done we head home. Theo decides it would be better to go to his house this time because we are always at mine. I really didn't want to but I said yes anyways. When we got there, we went straight to Theos room. he handed me one of his big shirts and some sweat pants. After I got dressed I laid down and waited for Theo. He jumped in bed with me and cuddled right up against me. I feel asleep to the sweet sound of his heartbeat the I have come to know.


Hey guys! Really really long chapter! I hope you like it! I had a lot I wanted in this chapter.
-xoxo Emily

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