Chapter 20

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See the wonderful thing about Theo, is that no matter how hard I pushed him away, he stayed. For the three weeks I was on the hospital, Theo was there. I tried to get him to leave, he looked horrible. Today I get out. I have no stitches in my back so I'm all healed and don't have to worry. As I walked out I noticed Theo wasn't around.
"Peek-a-boo!" He yelled jumping out from behind a bush. I fell to the ground and started laughing.
"Omg, Emily are you okay?" He says, crouching beside me.
"Theo I'm fine, besides the fact that I just died." I said, standing up.
"Let's go." I say, hopping in the truck.

When we arrived to his house, I ran inside and ran to his room. I laid on my back and stared at the ceiling. Even with all the crap Theo has put me through, I love him, I always will. I heard a knock on the door.
"Hello." I say.
"Well hi, it's Theo, and I kinda want in my room." He says, I imagine his face, light and childish.
"Hmm, ok, just for a minute." I say as he opens the door. He jumps in the bed beside me.
"What are you thinking about?" I say, staring at his perfect face
"Life, how even at the moments when nothing seems right, something happens." He says, not taking his eyes off the ceiling.
"See I thought for sure that all of the shit I have done, you would have left." He said, turning to face me.
"Yeah, I don't really get why I haven't, maybe because your sexy, or maybe because I love you. The first day you hit on me, you were so cool. You didn't act like an idiot, and when you stood up for me when Spencer was at the studio. You just wanted me happy, even if I wasn't with you, I knew that you were something special, you've given me everything I could ask, and I may not ever be able to repay you." I say, I have no idea where that came from, but it happened.
"You already have." he says, looking at me.
"How?" I question.
"You've stayed with me, even over everything. We've had a great run together, 12 months in about.. Tomorrow, I mean a year!" He says with such enthusiasm. I laugh.
"You've been counting down?" I say, giggling a little bit.
"Well... Um" he starts to scratch his neck.
"It's fine Theo, it's kind of adorable." I say standing up.
"Where are you going?" He asks.
"Well my house duh.." I say winking at him.
"Do you want me to drive you home?" He says, as I start out the door.
"No, I'm a little homesick, and I'm sure the one year anniversary tomorrow, will take a little time." I say, walking away..

It's unbelievable how fast this one year with Theo has gone by, well for being in the hospital for almost 3 months, so I guys it does kind of make sense. I get home and open the door. I crank up the heat. Its only 2:30 so I decide to be productive. I want to change my room. I take my bed out and then my desk and then everything. I take down my posters, and anything hanging on my walls. Now that it is completely empty, I grab my car keys and go to the hardware store. I buy black and light teal paint. I print off some pictures. I go and buy three book shelfs. I also buy some Christmas lights. When I get him I crank up the music, now don't think this is weird but I put on a faint white shirt.. It's Theo's old one, and I have no pants on. It covers my butt so I don't have to worry. I start painting, wall by wall, stroke by stroke. I finish in about 3 hours. So it's about 6 when I finish. I decide to get something to eat and wait for it to dry off. I put on some pants and Theo's big sweatshirt. I grab my keys and drive to McDonald's, I get out and go by the register.
"What can I get you?" The lady asks.
"Um, just a bacon and cheese quarter pounder with a coke." I say.
"That will be $25 dollars" she say with a smile, I notice she has lipstick on her front tooth, but I don't say anything.
"Here you go." she say handing me my change and cup.

After the call my order I grab my food and sit at a table by myself.
i get out my phone and check Twitter. I see so many tweets asking how I am. Theo is responding to as many as he can, its adorable.
"Is this seat taken?" A blind man asks.
"Um I guess not." I say taking a bite of my cheese burger.
"I'm jessie." he says.
"Emily." I say. I try not to talk to him much.
"So are you free tomorrow?" He asks.
"Um well it's my one year anniversary with my boyfriend tomorrow, so yes." I say giving a little smile.
"Oh. Who's your boyfriend?" He asks.
"Theo james." I say, a little to loud because I'm swarmed with people. They are asking me so many questions. 'did you say Theo james?' 'The Theo James'. 'Ew why would he date you.' I try to ignore them but there are so many people.
I push my way out and go to my car and go home. When I get home the walls are dry so I move my bed back against the black wall. I but two book selves beside the edge of my bed and one at the top of the other two, connecting them. Then I hang photos of Shai, Ansel, Theo and I. I string the lights over the top of the book shelves. I put all of my books in the bookshelves. then I move the desk back in and everything else. I hang my posters up and place my laptop on my desk. Finally done. I lay down on my bed and drift to sleep.

I wake up and realize I am still in my pants and Theo's sweatshirt. I look over at the alarm clock. 12:30 holy crap I slept late. I see I have a message from Theo.
"Good morning babe. I hope you slept good. I'm miss you so much. I have a surprise for you. Be ready at 2 because I'm picking you up. Love you."
Oh my gosh, today is our one year anniversary!! Yay!!!


I want everything to be perfect for our one year anniversary. I have the perfect date planned. I text Emily telling her to be ready at 2 because that's when I am picking her up. I miss her so much. I know we've only been away for one day, but it feels like an eternity. I have everything set up and ready, so I hop in the shower.


I put on my black skinny jeans and my shirt the says "graffiti" on it. I go with my gray riding boots. I straighten my hair and put on light makeup. I'm ready and just in the nick of time. It's 1:59 and I hear a knock on my door. I grab my phone and go to the door. Theo stands there, he has on a red plaid shirt and jeans.
"Hello beautiful. are you ready to go?" He says.
"Yes." I say taking his hand.
He drove for what seemed like hours. I realized that we were at a carnival. How cute! I was so happy.
Theo got out of the car and walked to my side. He opens the door and I get out.
"Oh Theo this is amazing." I say trying to take it all in.
"I hoped you would like it." He says smiling, taking my hand.
"Oh I love it!!" I say.

The whole day we just spend time together, riding rides. It was amazing. I was playing a water game. I had to squirt water into a clowns mouth. Theo decided to play too. he won a giant stuffed bear and a black box. He handed me the bear.
"Oh Theo it's adorable!" I squeal.
"Babe look behind you! Is that Kylee and Ansel?" He says pointing.
"Yeah." I say. I call them over and they start to hug me. When I turn around to see Theo on his knee.
"Emily, so I knew I loved you from the day I met you. And you put up with all my crazy shit... I really hope you love me as much as I love you. Will you marry me?" He says opening the box to show a beautiful diamond ring.
"Oh Theo!!! Yes! Of course!" I say, I'm crying so hard I can barley see anything. He stands up and hugs me. I can tell he is cry too, by the way he is breathing. He takes my hand a puts the ring on.
"Oh it's beautiful!" I say staring at the gorgeous stone.
"Not nearly as gorgeous as you." he says, his lips meeting mine.
"actually, I have a surprise too." Ansel says from behind us.
"What?" I say. Ansel turns to Kylee,
"Kylee, even though we haven't been together as much as Theo and Emily, I still love you." he gets down on his knee and pulls out a black box.
"Will you marry me?" He says. Kylee's reaction was literally almost exactly the same as mine.

Theo and I got into the car and drove home. I almost couldn't keep my hands off of him. Okay I couldn't keep my hands off of him.
We were practically making out by the time we got inside. I wanted this, more than ever, and I know that's what Theo wanted.
"Are.. You.. Sure." he says between kisses. I stop, of course it was.
"Yes, why?" I ask.
"Well, I just I don't know." he kisses me. We start right were we left off. He picks me up and carries me to his room. I kiss him, going deeper and deeper.

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