Chapter 12

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I wake up alone, again. Theo is downstairs cooking, I know this because he is singing really loudly and I smell bacon. Theo is so cute when he is cooking. I get up and walk downstairs to find not only Theo but Ansel and Kylee.
"Well good morning sunshine," Theo says taking a drink if orange juice. "Come give papa a smooch he says. I walk over to kiss him, our lips meet. He spits orange juice in my mouth!!
"You ass." I scream spitting out the orange juice.
"Payback is a bitch." he laughs.
"Well good thing you won't miss my kisses, cause your not going to get any." I laugh running.
He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. NOT AGAIN, in literally going to die. He throws me on the couch and sits on me.
"Theo get off!" I say hitting him.
"Not till I get a kiss. A GOOD ONE." he says chuckling.
I give in and kiss him, I make sure to make it as good as possible. He gets off.
"Finally I can breath." I get up,
"So hey guys!" I say go Ansel and Kylee, who are holding hands.
"Hey, you two are adorable." Kylee says laughing at Theo and I.
"Thanks. He's just a big meany." I say squinting my eyes at Theo.
"Yeah yeah, whatever you say, gorgeous." he say blowing a kiss.
I just stick my tongue out.
"I'm going to take a shower." I say.
"Yeah we should get going." Ansel say standing up.
"It was nice to see you guys again." Kylee says smiling.
"You too." I say walking up stairs to the shower.

Once I get out I put on the clothes that Theo laid out for me since none of mine were here. I put the shirt on. I get a big wiff of Theo. I love wearing his clothes. It makes me feel at home.
"Hey Theo I need to go home and get some of my clothes." I say.
"Okay, I'll drive you." he grabs his keys and walks me to the car.
"Do you want me to stay?" He asks.
"No, it's fine all be back later ok?" I say, unlocking my front door.
"Alright, I love you." He says kissing me.
"I love you too." I say closing the door behind me. I realize I haven't eaten at all today. I walk over to get something to eat. I slip and hit my head against the counter, everything around me starts to fade.

I wake up on the floor. Everything is spinning. I try to get up, and successfully I do. I can't see very well. I stand there blinking my eyes. I walk to the bathroom to see I have a giant gash and knot on my face.
I clean myself up and get my clothes. I grab my car keys and drive to Theos house. When I get there I open the door and set my clothes on the counter. I don't see Theo any where, I walk up stairs. I open Theos bedroom door, tears flooded my eyes. Theo was in bed with another woman.
"Emily... I can.. explain." Theo says as he is still on top of her. I don't say anything. I rip of the necklace that Theo gave me and throw it to the ground. I run out the door. I grab my clothes and run to my car. I drive home as fast as I can. As soon as I get home I run into my room and lock myself in there.


I drop Emily off at her house and drive home. I walk in and go to my bedroom. I need a shower. I hop in the shower. Once I'm done I come back to my room in my bathrobe. I open the door to see someone sitting on my bed, but it's not Emily, it's Ruth.
"What are you doing here?" I question staring at her.
"I missed you. I need you." She says walking to me.
"I'm sorry, I broke up with you." I say turning my head.
"Yeah, for who? That Emily girl right. The one who isn't famous?!" She says grabbing my face.
"No Ruth." I walk to my bed and sit down. She walks towards me. She takes off her shirt. She undresses herself. She grabs me and kisses I push her away. She doesn't listen.
She pushes me and takes my robe off. She grabs me again and rolls me over in top of her. I was about to get off when I heard sniffles at the door.
"Emily... I can.. explain." I start realizing I'm still on Ruth. She just stands there, she rips off the necklace I gave her and throws it on the floor. God what have I done.
I stand up and put on my robe.
"Ruth leave. NOW" I yell.
She picks up her clothes, gets dressed and walks out the door. I need to apologize to Emily. I need her.


I call Ansel and Shai.
"Can you guys come over. NOW?" I plead.
"On our way." they say.

When the get here they don't knock, just as usually.
"Emily!! What's wrong!" Ansel yells.
"Theo, he cheated on me." I burst into tears.
"I'm so sorry." they say.
"Shai, stay with Emily I'm going to give Theo a piece of my mind." Ansel says walking out the door.


I have to apologize. I am about to walk out the door when Ansel walks in.
"WHAT THE HELL" he screams
"Let me explain." I say.
"EXPLAIN WHAT!" He yells.
"Ruth, she came in while I was in the shower. I came out in my bathrobe. I told her to leave. She didn't. She pushed me in the bed, she took her clothes off and took mine off. She grabbed me and rolled me on top of her. I was about to get off when I saw'll Emily, but she left before I was able to explain. I made Ruth leave." I said looking at the necklace I gave Emily. I started to cry.
"Why should I believe you?" He said.
"Really Ansel? DO YOU THINK I WOULD BE FUCKING CRYING IF I DIDNT CARE!!!" I screamed, all I want is to have Emily back.
"I guess not. She hates you." he says.
"I know, I don't know what to do." I say tears still streaming down my face.
"Hey, I remember her saying something along the lines of you not wanting fans to know that you were dating." he starts," I have an idea."
"Hit me" I say.
"Well do a livestream, you can tell them about Emily and your mistake. you can apologize. I can have Shai make sure Emily is watching it" he says with a big smile.
"Let's do it." I say.

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