Chapter 19

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I wake up the next morning with Theo next to my side still.
"Theo, why are you still here?" I say, barely getting a word out.
"Because I have to be." he says.
"No you don't, we aren't together anymore." I say letting a tear escape.
"I know." he says looking at the ground. His eyes are puffy and red indicating that he has been crying.
"Theo, have you been crying?" I ask looking at him.
"No." he says staring at the floor still.
"Theodore Peter James Kinnard Tapiklis, do not lie to me." I say, it's been forever since I've said his full name.
"Yes, I have." he says looking at me.
"And why have you been crying?" I say, holding back my tears. Seeing him in pain is worse than the pain in my back.

"Emily, it's all my fault." he says, rubbing his eye.
"No it's not Theo. You didn't stab me." I say, letting out a small chuckle.
"If I hadn't been a dick, if I hadn't yelled, if I hadn't let anything happen with that girl, then y-you- you wouldn't be here, we wouldn't be here." he says. I am staring at him in awe, the way he cries in front of me, even though he is too "manly".
"Maybe, maybe not, but it wasn't your fault, you didn't send him to stab me." I say.
"Yeah." he says, just as the doctor comes through the door.
"Emily how are you feeling?" He says, Dr.Matthews, I think.
"Fine, my back is sore." I say pointing to where it hurts the most.
"Well yes it will be sore for a little while." he says chuckling.
"Are you ok to go home?" He says.
"Heck yes!" I say, as I start to sit up.
"Ok, now we advise you to stay somewhere, with someone. Is that going to be a problem?" he says raising an eyebrow.

"Actually-" before I could finish, Theo cuts me off.
"No, she will be staying with me." I look at him.
"Ok, well if you'll sign this we can let you go, but of course you will have to be in a wheelchair for a few days just to get used to everything again." he says hand me a paper.
"Ok" I say.

Theo wheels me out to his truck and puts me in carefully.
"Theo, why did you say I was staying with you? You have to go film!" I say, staring at him.
"Actually." he says, rubbing his neck, great he got kicked off of the set because of me.
"actually what?" I say looking at him.
"They are moving the set back for a couple months, since they haven't released the date it will come out, we are able to move it back." he says smiling.
"Oh ok." he drives home, careful not to hit any bumps, in fear of hurting me.

When we get to his house he take me in and puts me on the couch. He goes to his bedroom to give me space, since we aren't together he doesn't want be so close. He tells me that Ansel and Shai are flying back from Chicago right now to see me so I have to be prepared. But instead I just drift off to sleep.

"Emily!" Theo yells, well says, he hasn't yelled at me since the last time.
"Huh? Sorry I just closed my eyes for a minute." I say, rubbing my eyes.
"It's ok, Shai and Ansel are going to be here soon, so be ready." he says walking to his room.
"Theo?!" I say, hoping he heard me.
"Yes?" He says.
"Why are you going back to your room?" I say, playing with the blanket that some how ended up on me.
"I'm not ready to face them, for what I've done, it's hard enough to face you. I just can't do it." he says, looking at the floor, when I noticed he has the necklace he gave me in his hands.
"Why do you have my necklace?" I say, staring a the silver chain in his hands.
"I was trying to remember what it was like when I first asked you out, and how it went so wrong." he says, staring at the necklace, tears building up in his eyes.
"Oh, alright." I say.
He walks back to his room. He is in so much pain and I've barely shed a tear. My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door.
"Come in!" I yell, since I'm not really able to move a whole lot still.
"Omg, Emily! Are you alright?" Shai says, running over to me.
"Hah, yeah I'm fine, how bout yo self." I say laughing, even though it hurts.
"I'm fine." she says.
"That's great, how was the little bit of filming?" I ask.
"It was great, until Theo didn't show." she says, rolling her eyes. I don't say anything. I'm the reason he could have gotten thrown of the set, and the reason his friends are mad at him.
"How-um- how are you guys?" She says.
"Huh?" I ask looking back at her.
"You and Theo, I mean." she says looking at the ground.
"Um, fine. He stayed with me in the hospital even though he may have gotten thrown off set, and he is letting me stay here. He's been great to me the past few days, but I'm afraid he's gone into deep depression, about this all. Every time I see him he always looks down, even after what happened, he doesn't deserve it. He should be happy." I say letting tears stream down my face, I didn't realize how much I still care for him.
"I love him guys." I say, waiting for the expression.
"We know, and we know he loves you Emily. He would never purposely hurt you." Ansel said, which is good because he is Theo's best friend. I couldn't resist myself, no matter how bad the pain in my back is. I stand up, it doesn't hurt nearly bad as I figured.
"Wait where are you going." Shai says getting up.
"I'm doing something I need to do." I start walking, there is no pain, so I start to run, I feel like I'm flying.
I go up the stairs, a challenge but not impossible. when I get up there, I run to Theo's room.
"Emily what are yo-" I cut him off, but connecting our lips. I could never stand him in pain, the whole world disappears when we kiss. When our lips are together everything stops, I forget the pain, it feels like we are the only ones in the world, I don't want to break apart from him, but i do.
"What was that for?" He says looking down at the floor.
"I need you, I love you, and I know you love me. Yes you aren't always the smartest, especially when your drunk, but I can't stay mad forever. Your the best thing to ever happen to me, and that's a debt I cannot return." I say grabbing his hand.
"So does that mean we're-" I don't even let him finish.
"Yes, it does." I smile. At that very moment my back is in sharp pain. I scream, tears start streaming down my face.
"Emily what's wrong??" Theo asks, fear written all over his face.
"My-back" I say barely.
"Emily your bleeding." he says grabbing a towel. "wrap this around your back. We are going to the hospital." he says picking me up. He runs down the stairs.
"What's wrong?" Shai and Ansel scream.
"Hospital-now" He says throwing the door, running to his car. By now I've soaked his shirt and stained his arms. The ride to the hospital is a nightmare. Theo is driving as fast as he can without hurting me. He is holding my hand, letting me squeeze it every time I'm in pain, so I basically haven't let go this whole time. I've resisted the urge to scream so many times.

When we enter the hospital they put me on a stretcher and took me back to a room to stop the bleeding. l took one look behind me to see Theo on the floor crying. It must be hard on him, I feel really bad, I'm scared but I'm strong for him. The room starts to spin and then I black out.

I awake to the doctor talking to Theo, I don't move or speak, but I listen.
"Her stitches came out, she lost a lot of blood, but we were able to fix that, thanks to your donation of blood. You saved her life." The doctor says as he walks out the door.
"Theo." I say looking at him, he rushes to my side.
"Yeah sweetie?" He says taking my hand.
"Am I going to die?" I ask, running my fingers through my hair.
"No sweetie your not going to die." he says, he has still been crying.
"Why do you have a band-aid on? Did I hurt you?" I ask pointing to his arm.
"No, you lost a lot of blood, they didn't have enough so I let them take mine. They say I saved your life." he says.
"Oh, so now I guess that you are in my blood." I laugh.
"I guess so." He says, his face is deprived and he is really pale.
"Theo, have you eaten anything?" I ask.
"No, I've been in here this whole time." he says rubbing my hand.
"Go eat." I say.
"I'm not leaving your side. Every time I leave, something happens to you." he says.
"I'm in a hospital, I'll be fine. Send Shai or Ansel back in here." I say.
"Well they are here, if you want them to visit you, and I'll go eat." he says.
"Yes that's fine." I say, smiling at him. He bends down and kisses my forehead.
"God Theo, I'm in a hospital and you just kiss my forehead, my lips are deprived." I say giggling.
"Ok." He says, leaning in. Our lips connect, it's just like the world stops, I don't hear or fell anything, but the rhythm of his heartbeat.
"Bye" he says opening the door.
Shai, Ansel and Kylee walk in.
"Hi sweetie." Shai says.
"Hi." I say, smiling.
"How are you?" Ansel asks.
"Well besides the excruciating pain in my back. I'm fine." I say with sarcasm.
"And Theo?" They all ask.
"Well... What do you mean?" I say.
"Are you guys... You know..." Shai says.
"If you mean together, then yes." I say.
"He was really worried about you. I've never seen him try so hard. He donated 4 pints of blood, how he isn't dead, I have no clue." I didn't realize how much blood he had given me.
"Oh, that's a lot." I say.
"Yeah, but he's fine now, he is eating." they say.
"Yeah thanks to me. I got his puny ass out of here and made him eat." I laughed.
"Yeah you should get some rest." they say.
"Yeah, ok." I say laying my head on the bed. I drifted to sleep so easy that night, maybe because I was exhausted or maybe because I wanted to escape the reality, that nothing is perfect.

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