• Disclamer, Author's Note & More •

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Hey there! Thanks so much for choosing to read this story! I really appreciate it.

This is a fan fiction based on Aidan Hall, from the 2019 movie, The Lodge. I do not own The Lodge. I'm just a dude who decided to make a fanfic. Please don't sue! Anyways, I suggest going to watch the movie first, before reading this story as this story will contain spoilers. If you have it, the movie is available for you to watch on Hulu. However, if you do not have Hulu, it is also on Prime Video. But if you don't have either of those, it may be on soap2day. I have never used soap2day, and don't plan to. I'm scared they'll find my address, and kidnap me or something. (I'm such a dork lmao)

Also, please let me know if there are any spelling errors, and mistakes. I will be sure to fix them asap.

Also, this is my first story, so go easy on me, lmao. Another thing, I use she/they pronouns, so please refer to me as those.

Disclaimer - This story will NOT contain smut of any kind. I'm a spoon, and cannot bring myself to write smutty stories. I apologize for this. If you are the kind of person that prefers to read smutty books/fanfics, I suggest you read something else. You aren't going to hurt my feelings at all! I'm a tough cookie. :3

Another Disclaimer - This story will contain strong language, and some parts of the story may be upsetting to some viewers. If you are a kind of person who is sensitive to these kinds of topics, I suggest you read something else. Or maybe not have Wattpad. After all, it is 17+ for a reason, lol.

That's all! Again, thanks so much for choosing to read this story, and I hope you enjoy it!

P.S. After this story is finished, please feel free to message me to suggest another fan fiction for anyone. I do girls too ;)

P.P.S The way I'm writing this, Y/N is slightly blind. She can see, but her vision is slightly blurred. I just thought it would kinda cute. But if you'd rather not have Y/N blind, then just ignore it. It won't be mentioned that much.

Started: 4/15/21

Finished: 4/20/21

Now just sit back, relax, and enjoy the story! 🤍

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