• Chapter Four •

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Y/N woke the next morning, bright and early. She didn't know what time it was exactly, but it looked to be around 7:30 am. She could feel Aidan's hot breath against her neck. She shivered at the feeling. His arm was still wrapped around her waist, tightly. She didn't want to wake him up, but she also needed to shower, and freshen up.

As quietly as she could, Y/N unwrapped Aidan's arm from her waist, and carefully crept out of his bed. She walked over and picked up her suitcase, unzipping it as quietly as she could. Quickly, she grabbed some blue jeans, and a beige sweater. Zipping it back up, Y/N crept over to the bathroom to shower, and freshen up. As soon as she stepped in the shower and turned on the water, she scrunched up her nose in disgust. There was a brown roach crawling up the wall near the handle. This place truly was disgusting.


Richard, Aidan and Mia were all doing some sort of sking thing. Since Y/N didn't bring any sking items, she just played in the snow by herself. Y/N watched as Mia stood behind Aidan, pushing him so he can slide more carefully.

"Mia, push him over!" Y/N yelled.

"No, don't listen to her, she's crazy!" Aidan said turning to Mia.

Mia laughed, and pushed Aidan over. He fell straight on his face. Y/N  laughed hysterically. Aidan stood up, obviously looking pissed.

"Lighten up, Aidan!" Y/N said, standing up.

"I'm going to get you for that." Aidan said, sprinting towards Y/N.

Y/N took off running in the other direction, Aidan not too far behind her. Aidan then caught up to her, and shoved her, making her fall down. Y/N pulled Aidan down with her, making him accidentally fall on top of her. They both lay there, staring at each other.

"You gonna get off me, or?" Y/N said a couple seconds later.

"Oh yeah. Sorry." Aidan said, getting off of her.

Aidan reached his hand down, and pulled Y/N up too. Just then, Grace came out of the house, holding two sticks to hold her up. Aidan noticed her too.

"That's our mom's hat." He said.

"Oh." Grace said, taking it off, and handing it to Mia.

Mia was quick to snatch it away, looking mad.

"I'm sorry, I.."

"I didn't know."

Aidan and Mia then walked away, saying nothing more. Y/N wanted to apologize to Grace for Aidan and Mia being rude, but at the same time, she didn't. She instead followed Aidan and Mia.

Mia was playing with her doll. The doll was on a snowboard, and Mia was pushing her around. Y/N knelt down next to her, smiling.

"Having fun?" She asked.

Mia nodded, smiling and continued pushing her doll on the snowboard.

"Mia?" Grace said from behind them.

Mia didn't answer, and continued playing with her doll.

"Mia." Grace said again.

Mia still didn't answer.

"Mia!" Grace called, louder.

"Be careful, there's a fishing hole." Grace said.

But it was too late. Mia's doll fell into the hole. Mia quickly crawled on her stomach, trying to get it back.

"Stop, stop!" Grace said, running.

"Stop, stop, stop. Move back, you have to be careful." said Grace, pulling Mia by her feet away from the hole.
Stay here, I'll get it." Grace said.

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