• Chapter One •

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Y/N woke up on the ground of a bedroom which was definitely not her own. She looked around the room, with her slightly blurred vision. She sighed, as she slowly remembered where she was. She was in her best friend, Aidan Hall's bedroom.

Y/N has first met Aidan when she was two years old. Jessica, who was Y/N's mother, had met Laura, who was Aidan's mother when they both went to the same high school. Although Y/N was very young, she remembered the very first time her and Aidan were first introduced. Since then, Aidan and Y/N were inseparable.

Y/N looked around at the schoolbooks, and scattered homework sheets lying on the ground next to her. She slowly stood up, almost falling over again. Y/N looked across the room, and smiled warmly. Aidan was asleep at his desk, snoring softly. Y/N thought it was adorable. Just then, Aidan's mother, Laura came into the room.

"Oh, hello Y/N. I thought you had left." She said.

"Yeah, I was planning on it. I guess I fell asleep." Y/N said, hands on her hips.

"I should probably leave anyways. My parents will kill me, if they knew I didn't come home last night."

"No problem, sweetie. I'll tell Aidan you left when he wakes up."

"Tell me what..?"

Aidan slowly sat up at his desk, stretching, and making a weird noise.

"What kind of inhumane noise was that?" Y/N said, chuckling.

"Don't make fun of me, Y/N." Aidan said, laughing.

"Anyways, I should really go. See you Aidan, see you, Mrs. Hall." Y/N said, picking up her backpack.

"Wait, I'll walk you home." Aidan said, standing up.

"You don't have to Aidan, I don't live too far away."

"It's fine, Y/N. I don't mind." Aidan said.

"Okay, if you insist."

Y/N and Aidan then made their way downstairs, and in the direction of Y/N's house. It was kind of quiet for the first three minutes. Y/N was never really one to start conversations, let alone talk. She was often afraid she would mess up her words, and say something she didn't mean to. There was incident back in fifth grade, where Y/N accidentally talked back to a teacher. The bell had rung, and the students were about to stand up and leave when suddenly,

"Sit down, class. The bell doesn't dismiss you. I do."

"Then what is the point of the dismissal bell?"

It wasn't Y/N's intention to be quote on quote, disrespectful to Mrs. Simmons. She was just being a bit too honest. Either way, Y/N got sent to the principal's office, and got a week's detention. But if we're being honest, Y/N didn't entirely regret saying it. Mrs. Simmons wasn't a very nice teacher anyways.

"So Y/N, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the mall sometime?" Aidan said, finally breaking the silence.

"Oh um. Sure." Y/N said, looking at the ground.

"You seem upset. Is something wrong?"

"No, why do you ask?" Y/N said, finally looking up.

"I don't know, you just seem really nervous." Aidan said, shrugging his shoulders.

"I'm fine, honestly." Y/N said.

"Well, if you need to talk to someone, I'm here." Aidan said, smiling.

Y/N couldn't help but smile. Aidan was just too adorable and sweet to be mad at.

"I'll be sure to keep that in mind." Y/N said.

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