• Chapter Two •

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One Week Later...

Y/N sat next to Aidan, dressed head to toe in black. His mother had committed suicide a week earlier, and Y/N was attending her funeral. Although Y/N was never really close to Laura, it still felt appropriate to attend the sad occasion. Y/N stared at the casket in front of her, and suddenly got the chills. Luckily, no one around her noticed.

Y/N looked over at Mia, who was sitting on her right. Mia was Aidan's younger sister. Y/N always considered Mia as her sister as well. They were very close, and shared everything with each other.

Mia was sobbing incoherently, holding her blonde haired doll. Y/N couldn't help but feel sad herself. Not because of Laura's death, but because she hated seeing people she loved unhappy. Unless it was the tears from people she hated. Y/N reached over and grabbed Mia's hand, squeezing it tightly. Mia slightly jumped at the sudden contact between her and Y/N, but she held her hand back, and didn't let go.

Y/N looked to her left, at Aidan. He was slightly crying. Y/N wanted to comfort him in some way, but as usual, she was afraid. Knowing she'd probably mess up, and embarrass herself. Although she was scared, Y/N reached over, and held Aidan's hand as well. Aidan looked at her, and then down at their interlocked hands. Y/N felt herself getting nervous.

"I shouldn't have done that. He probably thinks I'm weird.."  Y/N thought.

Aidan, then did something Y/N didn't expect. He laid his head on Y/N's left shoulder. Y/N smiled.


Aidan, Y/N, Mia and Richard all walked outside, all carrying black balloons. Y/N stood in the middle of Mia and Aidan, holding her balloon. Mia was still crying like crazy. Y/N didn't blame her, though. She had just lost her mother after all. She had every right to cry. It would probably be weirder if she wasn't crying.

Everyone then let go of their balloons, and watched as they floated into the blue sky, never to be seen again. Y/N then got down to Mia's level, and engulfed her in a tight, warm hug. Mia quickly returned the hug, and sobbed into Y/N's neck. Y/N rubbed circles onto Mia's back, trying her best to comfort her.

"She's gone, Y/N. My mommy is gone." Mia sobbed.

"I'm so sorry, honey." Y/N whispered into her ear.

Mia continued to sob, and Y/N didn't let go of the hug for about two minutes.


Richard had dropped Y/N back home a few hours after the funeral. Y/N then went upstairs, and took a hot shower. Afterwards, she changed into a dark grey tank top, and black pajama shorts. After she had changed, Y/N climbed into her bed, and looked around on social media.

After a couple minutes of scrolling through Instagram, she was about to turn her phone off, and go to bed, when she decided to text Aidan, just to see how he's holding up.

Hey, are you doing alright? I'm here if you need me.
10:24 pm
Read 10:26 pm

Y/N sighed. She knew he wasn't doing well. However, she couldn't be mad. Y/N placed her phone down on her nightstand, and turned off the light switch. After about five minutes of lying in the dark, Y/N heard her phone go off. She reached over, and picked it up, curious.

Aidan :D

Could you please come over? I need some comfort rn.
10:31 pm

Idk if my parents will let me. It's late.
10:32 pm

Sneak out then. I need you.
10:32 pm

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