• Chapter Nine •

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The three kids stood there, all very scared. While Grace just stared at them, most likely debating if she should pull the trigger. However, she just turned around, and walked out of the room. Leaving the kids confused.

"What the hell was that?" Y/N asked.

"I- I don't know." Aidan said.

"Come with me, Mia. I'll get that wound cleaned up." Y/N said.

Y/N took Mia's hand, and they walked over to bathroom, to clean up her wound. Mia sat on the toilet, while Y/N reached into the medicine cabinet to find some antiseptic.

"Please, let there be some more." Y/N prayed.

She open the cabinet, and gasped. There was a dead cockroach.

"Jesus." Y/N gaged.

She quickly closed it back. She sighed disappointed. There was nothing left. No toothpaste, no soap, no medicine. Nothing.

"Sorry, Mia. There's nothing. We're just going to have to use whatever's left of the water."

Mia nodded. Y/N looked into the sink. There was a tiny bit of water left. But not enough to drink. Even though she was very thirsty, Y/N decided to use it on Mia's wound. Y/N always put others before herself. Y/N grabbed a drag, wet it slightly, and gently rubbed it over Mia's wound. Mia winced slightly.

"Better?" Y/N asked, wringing it back into the sink.

"Yes. Thank you." Mia smiled.

Y/N quickly smiled back, and the two girls left the bathroom.


Grace was downstairs in the kitchen, packing a bag as if nothing had happened earlier.

"What are you doing?" Aidan asked.

"We're leaving." Grace said.

"I need my pills, and we're just gonna walk to the.. nearest town and call your dad."

"Then he's gonna come pick us up."

"So you have to pack your things."

"What are you talking about? We can't leave." Aidan said.

"It's not up for discussion, Aidan." Grace said.

"Look outside, Grace. That's crazy." Aidan said.

Grace looked out the kitchen window.

"We don't even have our jackets." Aidan continued.

"We're not going."

"I'll go alone." Grace said, walking out of the kitchen.

"You won't make it." Aidan called after her.

Grace grabbed a blanket from the couch, and made her way to the front door, while Aidan and Y/N protested, telling her how she shouldn't go.

"Grace!" Aidan called after her, but she simply ignored him.


It had been about an hour, and Grace still hadn't come back. Y/N hated to say it, but she starting to get worried. Not because she liked her, because she didn't, but because there was no adult in the house.

"What if she's not coming back?" Y/N asked Aidan.

"What if she froze to death? And we're alone together. Eventually, we're gonna run out of food, water and-"

Aidan quickly shut her up by pressing a kiss to her lips.

"We're gonna be fine." Aidan said after he pulled away.

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