• Chapter Five •

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Aidan, Mia and Y/N hadn't come out of the room for hours. None of them wanted to be around Grace. Y/N had to admit, Grace was a bit creepy. She just gave off weird vibes.

Hours had past, and Mia was getting bored, so she decided to head downstairs, while Aidan and Y/N stayed up in the room. She didn't want to admit it, Y/N was also starting to get bored. Aidan however couldn't care less.

"Do you maybe want to go play outside again?" Y/N asked, turning off her phone.

"Not really." Aidan said.

"Well I don't just want to sit here doing nothing, Aidan." Y/N said, folding her arms.

"I get that you don't like Grace, nor want to be around her, but we can't stay locked up in here forever."

Aidan didn't respond. He simply looked up at Y/N, then back down to his phone. Y/N scoffed. She did love her best friend, but sometimes he can be so difficult. Just then, Y/N heard a knock and the door. Then she heard Grace's voice.

"I'm gonna make something to eat if you guys are hungry." Grace said through the door.

"I'm a bit hungry, I'll be down in a moment." Y/N said.

"Okay. What about Aidan?"

Y/N looked at Aidan, waiting for a response. But she didn't get one. He didn't even look up from his phone. Y/N sighed.

"I don't think he's hungry." Y/N said.

"Alright, I'll see you downstairs."

Grace then walked away. Y/N shot Aidan a dirty look.

"What?" Aidan said, raising an eyebrow.

"Nothing, forget it." Y/N said, attempting to walk away. She placed her hand on the door knob when suddenly she felt Aidan grab her wrist, yanking her away from the door.

"No, tell me, Y/N. What were you going to say?" Aidan asked, hand still gripping her wrist.

"Like I said, forget. It's not a big deal."

"Yeah, that's not gonna work. Tell me what you were going to say." Aidan said, chuckling, face close to Y/N's.

"Fine. I was going to tell you that your fly is undone."

Aidan quickly let go of Y/N, checking. This gave Y/N enough time to run out of the room.

"Screw you!" Aidan called after her.

"I didn't know what kind of sandwich you like, so I just left the ingredients out." Grace said, making her sandwich.

"I'm fine with anything. But thanks anyways." Y/N said.

Grace smiled, and returned to making her sandwich.

"How long have you known Aidan?" Grace asked.

"Since birth. His mom and my mom were friends in school."

"Oh, that's cool. How did his mom die?" Grace asked.

Y/N though to herself, wondering if she should answer.

"Um, I'm not sure if Aidan would be comfortable with me telling that."

"Oh, sorry, I probably shouldn't have asked."

"Yeah, you probably shouldn't have." Y/N thought.

Y/N sat at the table with Grace. Y/N had decided to make a ham and cheese sandwich, since there weren't a lot of options. They both sat there, neither one of them saying anything. Every now and then, Y/N would catch Grace staring at her, only for her to look to her to look to her left, or back down at her plate.

"You okay, Grace?" Y/N asked.

Grace stared at her for a moment, then slowly nodded her head. Y/N was starting to get creeped out. She quickly stuffed the rest of her sandwich into her mouth, then walked over, placing her plate in the sink. Y/N turned around to exit the kitchen, when she bumped into Grace. Y/N froze, while Grace stared into Y/N's E/C eyes, not moving an inch.

"Um excuse me, Grace. I need to get past." Y/N said, staring at her feet.

Grace didn't respond, nor move a muscle. Y/N's heart started to race. Quickly, Y/N pushed past Grace, and quickly made her way upstairs, and to the bedroom. Aidan and Mia were both there already, getting ready for bed. They both noticed Y/N looking a bit startled.

"You okay, Y/N?" Mia asked.

"Yes, I'm fine. Why do you ask?" Y/N said.

"You look like you've seen a ghost, or something." Aidan said.

"Oh. Well I'm fine." Y/N said, walking to her bed on the ground.

"You could still sleep up here." Aidan said.

"Give me one reason why I should." Y/N teased.

"Cause. I think we both know the ground isn't comfortable."

"No, it's perfect. Feels like sleeping on a cloud." Y/N said sarcastically.

"Well, enjoy your cloud bed." Aidan said, turning his back to her.

"Thanks, I will."

A few minutes had passed since the kids went to bed. And Y/N's "cloud bed" certainly didn't feel like one.

"I can't take it anymore." Y/N said to herself.

She stood up, walking to Aidan's bed, throwing his arm out of the way, causing him to wake up.

"You couldn't have thought of a better way to wake me up?" Aidan

This was the only way I could think of." Y/N asked.

"I doubt that."

Y/N laid next to Aidan, facing away from him. She could hear his breathing.

"Stop breathing so heavily." Y/N said.

"I can't help it."

"Yes, you can. Try."



Aidan laughed, wrapping his arms around her waist, pulling her into him. Y/N couldn't help but smile. The two teenagers eventually drifted off to sleep, bodies touching.

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