• Alternate Ending •

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"You don't have to be afraid." Grace said, coming toward them, slowly.

"It's okay, Mia."

Aidan and Y/N stood in front of Mia, protecting her. However, they too were scared.

"You have nothing to be scared of."

Mia started to cry. A single tear rolled down from Y/N's blurry, E/C eyes. She almost never cried.

"Death is already behind us." Grace continued, now standing front of them, kneeling down on her burned knees.

"We're not dead, we're not dead. We were just pretending, we were just pretending." Aidan said.

"We did it for mommy!" Mia cried.

"Christ suffered in the flesh." Grace continued.

"You have to release yourself from early sins, Mia."

"You need to sacrifice something for the Lord, Mia."

"Leave her alone!" Y/N yelled at her.

"No!" Mia sobbed.


"Burn her." Grace said, holding Mia's doll.

"No!" Mia yelled, holding tightly onto Y/N and Aidan.

"You have to free yourself from idols."

"You have to burn her, Mia."

"No!" Mia screamed. Aidan shushed to her forehead, while Mia hugged Y/N's waist.

Grace held a lighter, and was slowly bringing it towards Mia's doll.

"Please stop!" Mia screamed.

Grace burned her doll, and Mia freed herself from Y/N and Aidan's grasp.

"Mia! Mia!"

Mia pushed Grace's arm, causing her to drop the doll. Aidan quickly rushed over, and put the fire out with a blanket, all while Mia wouldn't stop crying.

"Mia." Grace continued.

"Hey, it's okay. It's okay." Grace assured her.

"It's okay, it's gonna be okay."

"Look, look trust me." Grace said, cocking a gun.


"Look, watch." Grace said, pulling the the gun up.

"Grace stop, no!" Mia, Aidan, and Y/N said in unison.

Just then, a car horn was heard outside. Richard had finally returned home.

Richard's POV:

I parked the car outside, and made my way into the house.

"Grace?" I called out.

But there was no response. I walked over, and found Grady, dead in his dog bed. Confused, I went I upstairs.

"Grace? Aidan?"

I walked upstairs, and found everyone coming out of the attic. Grace looked like she had gotten beaten up.

"Richard." Grace called out.

I looked down to see that she was holding a gun.

"Hey, sweetie." I said.

"God is punishing us." Grace said.

"For, for what we did."

"We didn't do anything." I said.

Grace then cocked the gun she was holding.

"Baby. No, no, don't." I said, coming closer.

Y/N, Aidan, and Mia were all curled up in the corner, all looking horrified.

I had no idea what was going on.

3rd Person POV:

Seconds later, a bang was heard, and Richard was no more. His body fell down the stairs, while Mia screamed. The three kids all ran to his side. But there was no hope for him. Richard was dead.

And Grace pulled the trigger.

Y/N grabbed Mia and Aidan's hand, and pulled them down the stairs, past Richard's dead body.

"Go outside, I'll grab the keys!" Y/N shouted.

Y/N ran through the living room, and into the kitchen, picking up the car keys. Just as she was about to run out, Grace came into the kitchen, holding the gun in her hand.

"Get away from me!" Y/N shouted.

Y/N pushed Grace, causing her to slam her head into the wall. Grace fell to the ground, unconscious. Not stopping for a second, Y/N ran outside, car keys in hand.

She ran outside, where Aidan and Mia were waiting, looking anxious. Y/N threw Aidan the keys, indicating for him to start the car. The trio climbed into the car, and was about to drive off, when Grace suddenly came out of the house, a blood stain visible through her dirty blonde hair. The gun was still in her hand.

"Aidan, drive! Go!" Y/N shouted at him.

Aidan turned the key, and backed up, out of the snow, Grace visible in the back. But she wasn't running. She seemed very calm. In the rear view mirror, Y/N could see Grace's lips moving, indicating that she was saying something. Y/N couldn't read lips, but it was likely how she was saying "Repent". Aidan drove off, clearly going over the speed limit, but at this point, not a single person cared. Y/N breathed heavily, Mia doing the same.

"Well, that was insane." Mia said. Y/N nodded in agreement, smiling a bit.

After the trio had gotten far enough away from the cabin, they stopped at a gas station to call the police. They went to the cabin, where Grace was there, praying. She was arrested for murder. Even though she had been arrested, there was still a problem. Aidan and Mia were now orphans, and had no where to go. It was decided how the two would go and live with their grandparents, and Y/N would go back to her parents.
Years had passed, and Aidan and Y/N were now 20 years old, and in a relationship. Mia was 17. Grace was still in jail, and was going to stay there for a while.

Thank goodness.

Even after the horrible incident that took place years ago, Y/N, Aidan and Mia remained positive, and better than before. They had good jobs, and Mia was doing well in school.

So far, everything was going very well.

For now.

Authors Note: Hey, bet you weren't expecting that, huh? I hope you liked this alternate ending! Sorry that it's so short, I didn't really know what to write after they escaped. But if you have any ideas, please feel free to let me know. Thank you, have a great day!  <3

- jules

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