• Chapter Six •

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Y/N woke up to find Aidan gone. However she wasn't too worried. She probably figured he had went to go brush his teeth. Y/N was still very tired, so she decided to sleep in. Not too long afterwards, Y/N dozed off, but was awoken by a tapping on her shoulder. She turned around, and there was Mia.

"What's wrong, Mia? You okay?" Y/N asked.

"I can't find my doll." Mia said.

"Oh, do you remember where you last put it?" Y/N said, sitting up.

"No. Could you help me look for her? Please?" Mia said.

"Yes, just give me a moment to freshen up, and I'll meet you downstairs."

Mia nodded, then left the room. Y/N walked to the bathroom to brush her teeth and hair. She didn't feel like changing her clothes, so she simply stayed in her pajamas. Y/N walked downstairs to find Grace and Mia still looking for her doll.

"Any luck?" Y/N asked.

"Nope." Mia said.

"Did you look in your dad's room?" Grace asked, looking in the left corner.

"Grace, I haven't taken her in there."

"And you only took her here and in your room?"

"Did you look in this.. this room out here?"

"The.. the room like, right here by the staircase."

"I never take her in there." Mia said.

"Okay, I'm gonna check in there. You want to come with me?"

"Well, I'm gonna look in there."

Grace and Mia walked over to the room near the staircase. Y/N didn't want to be alone, so she followed them.

"You wanna look over there in the... by the shoe rack?" Grace asked.

Mia didn't say anything.

"You don't know until you check."

Grace gasps suddenly, making Y/N flinch. Mia's doll was laying on Grady's dog bed.

"Oh my gosh! Grady! What did you do?" Grace said to her dog.

"Did you think it was a toy? He must have thought it was a toy."

Mia then walked away, doll in hand. Y/N followed m, since she didn't want to be around Grace anymore, after what had happened yesterday.


Y/N and Aidan sat at the table, both reading books. Aidan also had his headphones on. Grace was in the kitchen, making a sandwich.

"I'm making a sandwich, Aidan, if you want one." Grace said.

Aidan didn't respond, most likely because of the music he was listening to.



"I'm making a sandwich, if you want one."

Aidan hesitated for a moment.

"I'll make my own." He said, returning to his book.

"Y/N, would you want a sandwich?" Grace asked.

"Um, I'll also make my own. Thanks." Y/N said.

Grace then walked over to the table, looking mad.

"I think we need to have a conversation, Aidan." Grace said, folding her arms.

Aidan took off his headphones, looking up at her. Y/N continued to stare at her book, pretending to read it. But she was secretly listening in on the conversation.

"What?" Aidan asked.

"I just feel like things are very... uncomfortable between us, and I.. just wanted to know if there's something I can do to make.. make that better, or what-what your problem is."

"Hormones." Aidan said.

Y/N chuckled lightly.

"Okay, I feel like there's something you're not saying to me, or... I just wanted you to know that I, I'm here if you want to talk to me about anything-"

"Why would I talk to you?" Aidan interrupted.

Oh great, here we go again. Y/N thought.

"Because we're stuck in a house together."

Aidan scoffed, and looked over at Y/N. However she ignored him, still pretending to read her Harry Potter book.

"I didn't mean.. I didn't mean "stuck." I meant, um, we're in a house together. I want to be in the hou... I mean.. I didn't mean... I didn't mean that. I just meant.. it would be a lot better, if I think, for the both of us if we could talk."

"I don't want to talk to you." Aidan said.

"You don't wanna talk to me?" Grace said, offended.

"Okay. You don't want to talk to me. You just want to watch me in the shower."

Y/N looked up from her book, and stared at Grace, giving her a grossed out look. Aidan would never do that. At least she thinks he wouldn't.

Aidan simply scoffed. So it was true, then. He did watch her shower. The little whore.

"You don't have anything to say to me?" Grace said.

"I just wanted to try and make things better."

Y/N decided that she had enough. She got up, picked up her book, and walked upstairs to finish reading up there. Y/N sat on Aidan's bed, reading quietly to herself. She was lost in her book for about five minutes, when Aidan entered the room, closing it behind him.

"Why did you watch Grace shower?" Y/N asked, not looking up from her book.

"God, it wasn't intentional, okay?" Aidan said, wiping his forehead.


"What are you doing up here?" Y/N asked.


"I meant that aren't you still talking to Grace?"

"No. Not anymore." Aidan said, sitting next to her.

Y/N continued to read her book, until Aidan pulled it away, forcing her to look at him.

"Come on, Aidan. I'm not in the mood right now." Y/N said.

"I'm taking a break from reading. And so should you." Aidan said, placing the books on the nightstand.

Y/N sighed.

"Look at me." Aidan said suddenly.


"Just do it."

Y/N sighed again, looking over at Aidan.

"What do you want?" Y/N asked.

Aidan grabbed under Y/N's chin, and continued looking her in her E/C eyes.

"You have beautiful eyes." Aidan said, still holding her chin.

"Um thanks." Y/N said.

Aidan continued to hold her chin, not taking his gaze off of her. Then, he did something Y/N didn't expect. Aidan started to lean in to her. Y/N started to panic. Was he about to kiss her? Aidan took his other hand, and held Y/N's other hand. Before she could do anything else, Aidan' pressed his lips against hers. Y/N didn't know what else to do, so she kissed back. Ten seconds later, he pulled away, and looked at her.

"What was that for?" Y/N asked quietly.

Aidan shrugged.

"What if I said I liked you?"

Y/N's eyes widened. "You like me?"

"Yeah. I do.

Author's Note: Hi :D so it happened. Idk how I feel about this chapter tbh. But oh well. See you in the next chapter!! Byeee 👋

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