• Chapter Seven •

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Grace, Aidan, Y/N and Mia were sitting on the couch, watching a movie. Y/N didn't understand what the movie was, or what they were doing, but she watched it anyway.

"Grace." Aidan said, suddenly.

Aidan was standing next to Grace, holding a mug of hot chocolate. Y/N smiled at his attempt to be nice.

"Is that for me?" Grace asked.


Grace smiled, taking the hot chocolate.

"Thank you."

Aidan smiled a bit as well. Y/N was glad that Aidan was trying to be nice. Mia started to cough a bit.

"It's really cold." She said, shivering.

Y/N scooted closer over to Mia, hugging her so should could warm up. Mia smiled at Y/N.

"Do you want some hot chocolate?" Grace asked.

"No thank you." Mia said quietly.

Grace walked over to Mia, feeling her forehead.

"Well, you feel okay."

"You want me to go get the gas heater?" Aidan asked.



Aidan eventually came back with the gas heater, plugging it in. As they continued watching the movie, Y/N noticed Grace covering her mouth and nose with her sweater.

"Is it safe to have that on in the house?" She asked, looking at the kids.

"Yeah, it's fine." Aidan said, arms folded.

"It always sounds like that."

Aidan took Y/N's hand in his, causing her to look up at him. She smiled, and continued watching the movie. Until she heard a noise, which made her flinch. She looked behind her to find a creepy painting lying on the floor. She sighed in relief, knowing it was nothing else.

"You guys want to watch a different movie?" Grace asked.

Y/N couldn't help but notice Grace looked sick. She had dark, purple bags under her eyes, and her eyes were red. She didn't look well at all.

No one answered her. The TV then started to static.

"I um. I'm gonna go to bed." Y/N said, getting up.


Y/N woke up the next morning, freezing. She reached for her phone on the nightstand, but it was dead. However, she did remember plugging it in the night before. She pulled the charging brick out of the outlet, and put it back in. But nothing worked. It just wouldn't turn on. Wrapped a blanket around herself, she walked downstairs to find Grace in the kitchen, and Aiden asleep on the couch.

Grace came out of the kitchen, walking over to Y/N.

"What time is it?" Grace asked her.

"Um, I don't know. My phones dead, and it won't charge." Y/N said, shrugging.

"Aidan?" Grace said, shaking him gently.

He stirred, and eventually opened his eyes.

"The powers out, and the pipes are frozen. Can you check the generator?"

"Hmm. What time is it?" He asked.

"I don't know, my phones dead, and so is Y/N's. Check yours."

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