• Chapter Three •

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Y/N woke up, and looked out the car window. It was pitch black outside, and she almost couldn't see. Mia was still asleep on her lap. Although she didn't want to, Y/N knew she had to wake her up. Y/N placed her hand on Mia's shoulder, gently shaking her.

"Mia, we're here. You've got to get up." Y/N said.

Mia opened her eyes, and stood up straight, yawning. Aidan had also just woken up. He too yawned. Y/N then realized that his arm was still wrapped around her waist. Y/N blushed a bit. Aidan then awkwardly removed his arm from around her, and looked at her.

"Sorry about that, Y/N." Aidan said.

"It's fine Aidan, don't worry about it." Y/N said, smiling a bit.

Aidan smiled, and nodded his head, walking out the car door. Y/N followed close behind. As soon as Y/N stepped out, she looked up the old cabin with her slightly blurred, E/C eyes.

"Kinda creepy, right?" Aidan said, walking up next to her.

"Yeah, a bit." Y/N shrugged.

The two walked up the stairs, and to the front door. As soon as they walked in, Y/N got the chills. Something about this cabin was super creepy. Y/N didn't know what, but it definitely scared her.


"You guys want a cookie before I finish this whole packet?" Richard said, eating the cookies.

"Yeah." Mia said.

"Take one for your brother and Y/N."

"I have three."


Mia then walked over, and gave a cookie to Aidan, then Y/N. After Y/N finished her cookie, she walked upstairs to her bedroom, suitcase in hand. She couldn't find the light switch, so she had to drag her bag upstairs in the dark. Y/N didn't want to admit it, but she was slightly afraid of the dark. Not because of monsters, but because her vision wasn't great, and she could be grabbed from behind, and wouldn't notice in time.

As Y/N continued walking up the stairs, she got the feeling someone was watching her. She decided to ignore it, and continued to look for the bedroom. Then suddenly, she heard footsteps behind her. Silently getting louder, and louder. Y/N started to pick up the pace, when suddenly she felt a hand on her left shoulder. In defense, Y/N grabbed whoever it was wrist, and pushed them against the wall, roughly.

"Jesus..." she heard a voice say.

Y/N quickly ran over, feeling against the wall, looking for the light switch. Finally finding it, and turning it on. There stood Aidan, still leaning against the wall.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that, Aidan. I thought you were someone else." Y/N said, embarrassed.

"Who? There's no one else here. You need to calm down." Aidan said, clearly annoyed while rubbing his the back of his head.

Y/N couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"I said I was sorry, jeez."

Aidan didn't respond, and instead walked to the direction of the bedroom he, Mia and Y/N shared. Y/N followed behind, carrying her suitcase. Once she entered the room, she sighed in disappointment. There were only two beds. Y/N kind of expected there to be three, but she was wrong. She rolled her eyes, knowing she most likely had to sleep on the couch downstairs, by herself. This house was creepy enough, and Y/N knew she'd probably have nightmares.

"Great." Y/N said, annoyed as she placed her suitcase down roughly.

It didn't take Aidan too long to notice that Y/N was mad about the situation.

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